Search CloveGarden
- Introduction
- Korean War - 1952
- Short Wave Radio - 1959
- Into the Darkness - 1970
- Pursuit and Escape - 1974
- Thrown Knife - 1974
- Space Bat Creatures - Nov 1974
- Tiger Girls - Late Nov 1974
- Nuclear Submarine | Sailing
Ship - Late 1974
- Stoned World - 12-08-1974
- U Boat- 12-10-1974
- Uninvited Guests - 12-1974
- Alien Landing - 12-14-1974
- The Cliff - 12-16-1974
- Illusions - 01-11-1975
- The Bridge - 01-13-1975
- The Guru - 01-19-1975
- The Whaleboat - 04-21-1975
- Strange Buildings in Park - 1975
- Bandits and the Book - 06-05-03
- The Dream Machine - 06-15-1976
- The Pink Brains - 12-30-1976
- The Ring - 03-22-1977
- The Fire Alarm - 05-01-1977
- Last Dream Before Waking - 09-15-1977
- The Pit - 09-30-1977
- Quick Frozen Dissident - 12-12-1977
- The Fantasy Park - 01-16-1978
- The Secret Book - 04-19-1978
- Rise of the Magicians - 08-04-1978
- The Refrigerator - 02-20-1979
- The Lady with the List - 04-1979
- Skateboard to San Diego - 06-23-1979
- The Dragon - 06-26-1979
- The Fish Vendor - 07-30-1979
- The Wrong House - 10-24-1979
- Bathroom Fixtures - 01-19-1980
- Dreams - 2-17/18-1980
- The Pomegranate Tree - 06-10-1980
- The Hallway - 09-10-1980
- Collage - 02-10-1981
- Military Impressions - 03-25-1981
- The Vikings - 07-03-1981
- The Egyptian Princess - 04-05-1982
- The Frog and the Dwarves - 08-13-1982
- The Stream - 10-18-1982
- A Policeman? - 10-19-1982
- Cuddle and Revenge - 10-19-1982
- Chinese Shrine - 10-23-1982
- The Big Worms - 11-04-1982
- The Chain Letter
- No Swiming Pool - 12-04-1982
- The Wrist Slasher - 12-04-1982
- The Bribe - 12-06-1982
- Egyptian Power - 12-15-1982
- Meredith - 01-07-1983
- Storm Waves - 01-08-1983
- Captured and Kissed - 01-11-1983
- Runaway Princess - 01-14-1983
- Doves and Cats - 01-20-1983
- Lady with a Disk - 01-21-1983
- Amusement Park Ride - 01-25-1983
- Raccoons - 01-26-1983
- Romans - 01-28-1983
- The PT Boat - 01-28-1983
- Guru? / Interactive Map - 01-31-1983
- Lelia / Adventure / Visitors -
- Transformation - 02-02-1983
- Prince and Queen - 02-03-1983
- Tunnel System - 02-04-1983
- Visiting Uncle - 02-08-1983
- Program / Bunnies / Lesbians -
- Spaceship - 02-11-1983
- Play for Children - 02-16-1983
- Job Dissatisfaction - 02-17-1983
- The Clock - 02-18-1983
- The Diamond - 02-19-1983
- The Old Man - 02-21-1983
- Huichols - 02-21-1983
- Father / Junk / Fascists - 02-22-1983
- Man with a Knife - 02-23-1983
- Hillside Home / Africa - 02-24-1983
- Mish Mash - 02-25-1983
- Swag Lamp - 02-27-1983
- Sewing Machine and Cloth - 03-01-1983
- Soldier in Combat - 03-03-1983
- Peeing on a Ceremony - 03-04-1983
- Karen in Hiding - 03-05-1983
- Finding the Crystal - 03-06-1983
- Bird Snake - 03-08-1983
- Connie - 03-09-1983
- Occult Organization Test - 03-10-1983
- Plotting New Course - 03-11-1983
- Computer Console - 03-14-1983
- Stabing an Assailant - 03-15-1983
- Boat on the River - 03-16-1983
- Switching Engine, etc. - 03-17-1983
- Ranch Scenes - 03-19-1983
- Bounding Cars and Junk - 03-20-1983
- Statues - 03-21-1983
- Brake Pads - 03-22-1983
- Garage & Cars - 03-22-1983
- Beer Tank - 03-22-1983
- Train Station and Murders - 03-23-1983
- Albigensians and Tires - 03-25-1983
- Programming in Pascal - 03-28-1983
- Chanting Session - 03-29-1983
- The Whistle - 03-30-1983
- The Crocodile - 03-31-1983
- Computer Disaster - 04-01-1983 / 04-11-1983
- The Socialists - 04-13-1983
- Two Coworkers - 04-14-1983
- Tigers and Cafeteria - 04-15-1983
- The Ordeal - 04-16-1983
- Junked Stuff - 04-18-1983
- Wrong House - 04-19-1983
- Cop and Crystal - 04-20-1983
- Sails, Coin, & Cap - 04-21-1983
- Data storage & Ice Skating - 04-22-1983
- Beer Auction- 04-24-1983
- A Knife Fight - 04-25-1983
- Jogging and Running - 04-26-1983
- Water Sports
- Walpurgisnacht Ceremony - 04-30-1983
- Carpets & Cats - 09-25-1983
- Battle with a Demon - 09-27-1983
- The Black Maggots - 08-04-1984
- The Primitives - 08-10-1984
- The Pyramid - 1984
This is the empty space when I was completely distracted by my consulting
business, starting in May 1983. There are a couple from 1984, but I do not
know if any more were logged until 2018. If any were they are probably
preserved on long obsolete back-up media and no longer accessable.
- Escape from Cannibals - early 2018
- Battling Alien Invasion - 05-05-2018
- Crashed Saucer - 05-17-2018
- Exodus | Returning
- 05-31-2018
- Military Outfit - 06-01-2018
- African Water Soup - 06-13-2018
- Pagan Meeting - 06-17-2018
- No Color - 06-21-2018
- Space Aliens | Hotel, Convention
Center | Parkland - 09-07-2018
- In the Basement - 05-18/19-2019
- Wrecked House | College Again
#1 | College Again #2 | Fragments -
- Brother's Death - 08-07-2019
- Rock Climb - 08-09-2019
- Ships at Sea | Ship in
Port - 10-28-2019
- Frustration - 12-11-2019
- Daisytech - 12-16-2019
- Gallery - 01-02-2020
- Patty Hurst | Cal Tech
- 200111
- Laurel - 02-05-2020
- Fragments - 04-15-2020
- Fragments - 04-16-2020
- New Girlfriend - 05-05-2020
- Journalist | Darkness
- 05-10-2020
- On-Line Dating - 05-10-2020
- Lady in the Kitchen - 05-10-2020
- Sliced Chicken - 06-26-2020
- Volcano - 07-25-2020
- The Teacher | Lady with
Authority - 10-11-2020
- The White Cat - 11-01-2020
- Morrígan Stew - 11-21-2020
- Antique Shop - 11-23-2020
- Dharamshala - 01-06-2021
- Bathroom- 01-16-2021
- Jack - 01-28-2021
- Young Pharaoh - 03-11-2021
- Table Setting - 03-19-2021
- Cardboard Box - 03-22-2021
- Marriage in Russia - 03-28-2021
- A Kiss - 04-24-2021
- Liver Flukes - 05-31-2021
- Frustrations - 02-12/13-2022
- Color / Colour - 06-09-2022
- Mean Bitch - 07-01-2022
- Grain Harvest - 08-29-2022
- Conflict and Sex - 10-10-2022
- The King - 10-13-2022
- The Race - 10-17-2022
- The Alternate Village - 10-31-2022
- Obsession & Hecate - 12-04-2022
- Designs - 12-05-2022
- Reconciliation? - 12-15-2022
- Coding Chaos - 12-23-2022
- Black Cat & Possums - 12-24-2022
- Into the Bathroom - 12-24-2022
- Committee Treasurer - 01-01-2023
- Death Ship - 01-14-2023
- Laurel Again - 01-17-2023
- Steamship Jupiter - 02-06-2023
- Injured while Peeling - 02-02-2023
- Laurel Once Again - 03-09-2023
- Fax Paper & Terri B. - 03-13-2023
- Medical Testing Lab - 03-26-2023
- Three Buildings - 03-27-2023
- Huge Mansion & Destruction
- 05-02-2023
- Gathering Greens - 05-02-2023
- Chinatown - 05-02-2023
- Stewpot Recipe - 05-17-2023
- Tomato Soup? - 06-06-2023
- Tchaikovsky vs Rimsky-Korsakov - 06-15-2023
- Two Places at Once - 06-17-2023
- Get Rich Quick Scheme - 07-19-2023
- Finding the Volvo - 10-16-2023
- Poisonous Flower - 10-19-2023
- Dangerous Computer - 11-26-2023
- Pink Lady - 12-25-2023
- Interesting Question - 02-26-2024
- Finding my Car - 02-26-2024
- Visiting Clients - 04-17-2024
- Giant Caterpillar - 05-15-2024
- Cooking a Necklace - 05-17-2024
- Home of the Artist - 09-27-2024
- Ceremonial Dinner - 12-17-2024
- Sunday Morning - 01-16-2025
- Jenny and Fay - 02-25-2025
Not Dreams - Random Items
- Past Images - 12-24-1982
- New Year's Eve 1982/1982