Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 10-28-2019                       #142


Ships at Sea

The first sequence opens when I am at sea on a fast destroyer. There is another ship. indistinct and hazy, possibly from distance. It was seen only from the front. The name Musashi, which would be the Japanese super-battleship of that name, kept coming up in my mind. In any case, I knew that ship was Japanese, and we were at flank speed to get away from it, taking a somewhat evasive course. We were not fired upon, though within range, and not actively pursued.

We headed for shallower waters near an island studded coastline. Such waters a huge ship such as Musashi could not safely enter, and we turned north. South or Central America came to mind as I remembered this sequence, but in the context of Musashi it would have to be the Philippines. In real life, Musashi did not normally sail alone.

Musashi, as part of a large fleet operation, was sunk by aircraft in the Philippines. It was seen to roll over and sink intact, but both forward and aft magazines exploded on the way down, so it's a pile of junk in three major pieces.

Ship in Port

The second sequence, which in my awareness immediately followed the first, opened on an American battleship which was in port with a dock on the starboard side. This ship was quite clear, and I was in the superstructure looking forward. I turned and found the door to the captain's office open. Inside, was a young man, possibly a sailor, but I don't think so, looking at a computer screen, possibly a large notebook screen. It had a list of incoming emails on it.

I figured the guy was just curious, not malicious, but I told him he must not fiddle with the device. This computer screen placed the timing well away from the war with Japan. The United States currently has no active battleships. Interestingly, the Iowa is currently a museum ship berthed in the Los Angeles / San Pedro seaport. It is maintained in ready condition in case the Navy should find a need for its fire power. This ship is situated with a dock on the starboard side, as in the dream. I have never visited this, or any other battleship, in this life.