Andrew Grygus - Dream - 01-25-1982                       #62


Amusement Park Ride

In the evening I had begun study of microprossor internals and assembly language programming, so programming worked its way into this dream.

Begin:   This dream was at an amusement park type ride of extensive size. The place was owned by a fairly young woman who's father had constructed it before he died. Basically, it was a very long twisting track with plenty of steep hills, but not on a roller coaster scale. There were vehicles to use on the track.

The vehicles were small fiberglass replicas of the AC Cobra, which places construction time in the mid 1960s. These could be steered within the fairly narrow track, but the guard rails took over if one got too close to them, making the ride suitable for fairly young children. The cars wsere, however, fairly powerful and would get up to quite a speed on the straight parts.

What I was discussing with the owner was her desire to reprogram some of the control machinery. This is where the idea of programming worked its way in. The ride was inactive at this time, though I did try out one of the cars briefly.
