Andrew Grygus - Dream - 12-04-1982                       #52


No Swimming Pool - 12-04-1982

Two dreams (#52 & #53) were remembered on this morning. Both were violent. I have no explanation for this, Although there were disruptions to my usual routines during the week, they did not have a violent content.

In this dream (#52) the house involved was nearly identical to the one in which I live during my waking life, but the high block wall separating my lot from the private street just above me to the North did not exist in the dream. This left the house much more exposed.

Begin:   I was in the bedroom during daylight. The curtains were light, unlike my waking ones, so the room was brightly lit. A light caliber bullet smashed through the room, and I kept low. I got a gun from under the bed but did not use it because I didn't know where the bullet had come from. Apparently this had been a little bit of a problem recently. I did not hear loud shots, just the sound of the bullets going through the house.

A couple of other bullets went through sporadically, and then stopped. I got up and went to the front of the house, noticing a window of the French doors to the entry room was broken. I went out the front door and looked around, still carrying the gun (an M1 carbine). There was a van and a little commotion across the street, but no-on there paid me any attention, so I figured they were not involved.

On my way back in I noticed a large caliber hole in the wall by the front door. This definitely looked serious, so I went in and tried the phone. To my surprise and relief, it worked. I talked to the operator and got the police. The officer I talked to said, "Oh yes, we know about that. You are the one who refuses to put in a swimming pool".


The implication by the police officer was that I was being harassed for not conforming to the standards set by people of the neighborhood. I did not get confirmation whether the police would take any action before I left the dream.