Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 05-17-2018                       #131


Crashed Saucer

My memory of this dream begins in a stream bed in a low forest. there is some water flowing in the stream bed. I am with at least one companion.

In the stream bed rests, at a sharp angle with one edge buried in the stream, an alien "mushroom" flying saucer, about the same as those from dream 180505 but quite a bit larger.

I and a companion discuss the danger of approaching it, even though no activity is visible. For some reason we want to know if the outer skin is hard, or if it is rubbery. Finally, we decide to take the risk and approach the saucer.

the skin of the saucer is hard and smooth, like metal, but the edge of the disk is rubbery. The edge of the saucer is a stiff rubber ring with an outside radius of about 3 inches and smoothly faired into the metal part.

No further memory is available.