Andrew Grygus - Dream - 02-09-1983                       #72


Program Listing

Again, three large dreams with the attendant difficulties in bringing back much of anything.

This dream was partitioned into sections by appearance of a long and complex computer listing which had some kind of relationship to the action. This was not a regular program listing, but more like a spreadsheet (SuperCalc again?).

The first remembered part was in a great Dungeon and Dragons setting, in large stone structures blending into a vast network of underground tunnels. I can roughly visualize the scenery and feeling of the place, but do not recall any objectives of the action. I was with a companion, a man I think, but it is not clear.

The last scene is the listing again, which is now complete, and I intended to give it a try. The words, "Don't even Think about running this program until you have made a back-up copy", followed by the CP/M prompt "A:". At this point I woke up and set in mind what little I could get a grasp of, and returned to sleep. The listings here were not on a machine as in waking life, but just appeared before me on their own.


The second dream I remember little of. The main action was the hatching of an egg, watched over by a woman. This egg was in a small box and was supposed to hatch into a bunny rabbit of great religious significance. At one point, another egg became available. The woman liked this one better and substituted it for the original one. The original is put in another box off to the side, and it's hatching is discouraged by coolness, and later by shaking it up. The new egg hatches into a fine white bunny rabbit. The old one insists on continuing to develop despite the circumstances and hatches a little later into a black bunny rabbit. I know it weighs just a shade more than the white one. I did not notice any feeling of evil or resentment about it.

Lesbians & Still

The third dream was quite long, with much shifting of images. The first part involved a hose with which I was watering beds of plants. This was unusual, as I was not experiencing bladder pressure at the time.

There was an older woman in the kitchen with another woman of about the same age. They were discussing their recent decision to engage in a lesbian affair. I overheard the one I knew suggesting to the other they might ask me if I would like to join their little set-up to add variety.

There was a new item about the president changing the law to allow a great many small stills to go back into operation making exotic hooch. They were ready to go, but idle due to the current law. This new law was expected to provide greater variety and interest in beverages.

There was also a picture of a temple dedicated to an Egyptian Goddess in Sepulveda (Southern California city). Didn't get much detail on that.