Andrew Grygus - Dream - 02-02-1982                       #68



There were two dreams remembered upon waking on this morning. Unfortunately, I awoke late and could not tend to them in the morning, in fact I had to skip my morning coffee. One dream is lost. One part of the other is remembered, and that only sketchily, although it had been a long and complex dream.

Begin:   A number of persons were involved, but only three in the remembered sequence. There was myself, a woman, and another man. This other man had a tangled atmosphere about him, and a psychic battle developed between him on the one side, and the woman and myself on the other. This was not a decisive, direct battle, but more an indirect skirmish without a clear victor.

At one point a strange creature appeared suddenly right next to me. It was short, about 4-1/2 feet high, thick, and a polished gunmetal gray, looking much like an Eskimo soapstone carving, but darker. Very ominous, more like a primitive statue than a mobile living being, it seemed to exude power, and its eyes glowed. I turned my attention from the conflict to this creature in alarm. I began preparing for a psychic assault, but the the women called to me to stand off. Beams of light came from the creature's eyes and shone on the man we were in conflict with. A great pit was opened and he was flung in, to fall into a hot molten liquid like molten lead at the bottom. We knew this was not actual death, but a transformation he was forced to go through.
