Andrew Grygus - Dream - 02-08-1983                       #71


Visiting Uncle

One dream involved computer files. I do not know what they were about. The one recorded here was much better remembered.

Begin:   I had sneaked time from work, going home for a couple of hours to take care of paperwork. As is my custom in waking life, I dispensed with clothes. As I worked, all undesired papers were tossed on the floor behind me to be picked up later, creating a light clutter. I was in the living room when the door bell rang. As in my waking life under these circumstnces, I pulled on my pants, found my underwear and tossed it at the bedroom to keep up appearances, and headed for the door.

The person at the door was an uncle (not one I have seen in the past 20 years) and I felt there was some financial dealing between him and myself (with me on the lending side). He was standing very stolidly and resolutely and asked, "Remember my son who you wished were dead? He died this morning". I had the impression he had come to beat me up, but honestly had no recollection of having expressed any such feeling towards his son. I told him this, expressed my sympathy, and was inviting him in for some tea or something. I was trying to think of some beverage with a tranquilizing effect when I awakened.
