Andrew Grygus - Dreams                       #206


Visiting Clients - 04-17-2024

This dream is closely related to my business, but I was a little younger in the dream than I was when I opened my business, the clients were quite different, and I never had any clients on Burbank Blvd.

Begin:   I was in a business where my mother was working. The owner had some need for a custom computer and wanted me to build it (this is something I did in my waking life). I got a template of the front panel he needed so I could get it right. This panel made no sense to my waking self.

I left the business and turned right on the sidewalk. This was in a business district and the sidewalk was wide with a few trees planted in open squares near the street. Looking back, I saw my mother leave the business and turned the same way. I thought to wait for her, but she immediately turned into another business, a store of some kind I think. She was carrying a child, which couldn't have been hers.

I crossed the street and visited another client. He had a lot of computers. Ones that I had built were stacked up against a wall, no longer in use. He had purchased new computers from a commercial vendor. I spoke to the owner about it, and agreed with him that my computers were out of date and he was right to buy new ones. I turned to leave the business and told the owner that if he needed anything, to give me a call.

This was in keeping with my waking life. About midway in my business I stopped building anything but high performance machines. Commercial PCs had become too cheap and all the same. A distinct advantage of the client buying machines elsewhere is that I had no responsibility for them and could charge for all time spent with them.

I continued on the sidewalk in the same direction. I was approaching a highly humped overpass, just about to start uphill over it. Here I slowly started waking up and realized I was on Burbank Blvd. in Burbank, California, walking north and just before starting uphill on the overpass over the freeway and railroad.