Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 06-06-2023                       #196


Tomato Soup

In this dream I was working on executing a recipe. I am not sure of its nature, except it required a fair number of plum tomatoes that needed to be skinned.

I entered a semi-awake state, and tried to remember the recipe, but wasn't able to find anything except the tomato part. In that state, I was thinking it might be a tomato soup. I also wondered, if it was, would it be accepted?

This is because I was aware that during the culinary desert of the Eisenhower administration, people tried to get others interested in tomato soups, but they were rejected because they were not the same orangish color as the very well known Campbell's Tomato Soup. They were brighter, redder, and had texture, which made people suspicious of them. During that era, people ate mainly meat, stuff from cans, and Jello for desert. New things weren't much tried.

The only use for canned peas is to accurately replicate the cuisines of the Eisenhower administration and Soviet Russia.

It should be noted that during the period of this dream I was hard at work studying, writing up, and testing Mexican recipes for a Musica Donavania event I would be hosting June 24th - thus also Stewpot Recipe.