Andrew Grygus - Dreams                       #205


Finding my Car - 02-29-2024

Not being able to find my car is a very common theme in my dreams, usually because the scene has changed from what it was when I parked the car, but sometimes it's just gone. The car in question may be any one of the cars I have owned in my lifetime, and sometimes a car I haven't owned. This dream is unusual in that I find the car and all is well.

Begin:   I am leaving an older house in a residential are. it is on a fairly steep street going uphill to my left. I expect to see my car parked on the near side of the street, wheel to curb, but I don't see it. I walk up the sidewalk some way but still don't see it.

On my way back down I look over the steep embankment, about 10 feet high, to my right. At the bottom of the embankment is a small unpaved parking lot, and my car, the Volvo XC70 I am driving in the waking world, was there. In the waking world there had been rain, and there was an orange stain on the left front fender. That stain was in the same place in this dream.

I went down to where a driveway went from the street to the parking lot. I went to the car, and, amazingly, I had the key. The key worked and the car started. I was driving it out of the parking lot when the dream faded. Very unusual.