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Recipes by Use


    & Worldwide

    North Africa
    West Africa
    East Africa
    Central Africa
    North, Hawaii
Asia - Near East
Asia - Mid East
    Persia / Iran
Asia - Central
    The Stans
Asia - South
    Sri Lanka
Asia - East
Asia - Southeast
    New Zealand
    Pacific Islands

Recipes by Region

Our recipes reflect Euro-American practice of relatively few dishes served as separate courses. We expect most English language readers will adapt ethnic recipes to this style of service so we portion them appropriately.

Interpretation Notes

  -   See

Interpreting Our Recipes

for more detail.
  • Portions:

      (approximate) Soup serving, 1 cup; Main Dish Soup, 2 cups; Main Dish w/rice 7 ounces.
  • Effort Codes:

      * Dead easy, ** Quite easy, *** Routine, **** More Effort, ***** Heroic, # Beware!
  • Measures & Conversions

    :   all measures are U.S. standard unless stated in metric units (rare). t=teaspoon, T=Tablespoon, c=cup, qt=quart, oz=ounce, #=pound, cl=clove in=inch
  • Abbreviations:

      tt=to taste, ar=as required, sml=small, med="medium", lrg=large.
  • Diet codes:

      v=Vegetarian (strict), vo=Ovo Lacto Vegetarian (eggs and/or dairy), vm=Can be non-Vegetarian, vs=Satvic Vegetarian, fv=minor seafood (usually fish sauce), f=Fish &/or Shellfish, mv=Can be Made Vegetarian.
  • Chili-hot codes:

      0=none, 1= detectable, 2=mild, 3=moderately spicy, 4=very spicy, 5=incindiary, +=feel free to make it even hotter. All levels are based on Southern California practice.
  • Bibliography & Sources

      -   See index code at bottom of each recipe.

Worldwide Party Menus

is an index to menus I have developed and served for Musica Donavania events hosted in my home. They have been very successful, and all based on recipes to be found on this page.

Euro-American & Worldwide

The recipes in this section are from the Western World, and too widespread to be blamed on any particular country or ethnicity.
Appetizers  /  Beverages  /  Breakfast  /  Desserts  /  Main Dishes  /  Pasta Courses  /  Salads  /  Sandwiches  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups  / 



  • Eggs, Poached - (Gen.) method, detailed with extensive notes.[vo]
  • French Toast - (Euro-Amer) a quick easy breakfast, and quite satisfying too.[ vo ]
  • One Eyed Jack - (Euro-Amer) an easy breakfast that's tasty too.[ vo ]





Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.


Africa - North

  -   [Sudan & The Maghreb: (Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya)]. Egypt is listed in Near East to avoide my site from being banned there. "We are Arabic, not North African". Technically, Mali, Niger and Chad are in this region, but the bulk of their populations is concentrated in the Sub-Saharan south.
Appetizers  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Soups


Breakfast & Brunch

  • Chakchouka - (Tunisia) eggs poached over vegi sauté.[2]
  • Chickpea Lablabi - (Tunisia) a breakfast dish now used at any time.[v0]
  • Tagine of Eggs - (Tunisia) a spectacular brunch, lunch, or even dinner.[2]





Soups & Light Stews


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Africa - West

  -   [Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote D'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo]
Appetizers, Snacks, Street  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups



  • Gari Foto - (Africa, West) breakfast eggs with cassava granules and vegetables.[vo1]

Apptizers, Snacks & Street Foods

  • Accara Fritters - (Africa, Senegal) an very popular street food, served with hot sauce.[v0]
  • Oleleh Pudding - (Africa, W) a popular side dish or snack in Sierra Leone and Senegal.[mv1]



Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes

  • Banku - (Africa, Ghana) a fermented "mash" of corn and cassava popular in Ghanah.[v0]
  • Fried Rice, Nigerian - (Africa, Nigeria) a very fine dish for home or party.[0+]
  • Fufu of Cassava - (Africa, W,C) "Mashes" are the main dish for most West and Central Africans.[v0]
  • Fufu of Yam - (Africa, W) "Mashes" are the main dish for most West and Central Africans.[v0]
  • Oleleh Pudding - (Africa, W) a popular side dish or snack in Sierra Leone and Senegal.[mv1]

Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Africa - East

  -   Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, South Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania]
Appetizers, Snacks, Street  /  Breads & Baked Goods  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups


Breakfast / Brunch


Breads & Baked Goods

  • Canjeero / Lahoh / Anjero Bread - (Horn of Africa, Yemen) the bread of the region.[v0]
  • Chapatis - (Africa East) the bread of Tanzania, Uganda & Kenya.[v0]
  • Injera - Fast - (Ethiopia, Eritria) a quick, easy way to have Injera bread.[v0]
  • Injera - Traditional - (Ethiopia, Eritria) a traditional, not so quick injera bread.[v0]
  • Kicha Bread - (Africa: Eritrea) An easy to make whole wheat flat bread.[v0]
  • Sabaayad Bread - (Somalia, Djibouti) crisp on the outside, chewy on the inside.[v0]

Appetizers, Snacks, Street Foods




Soups & Light Stews

  • Beef Makongoro Soup - (Africa E. Tanzania) once food for the poor, now popular.[1]
  • Chicken Soup - (Africa E. Tanzania) quite different from American Chicken Soup.[2]
  • Fish Soup - (Africa E. Tanzania) simple, light, but satisfying.[2]
  • Somali Soup / Stew - (Somalia, Djibouti, Yemen) vegies and various meats.[1]
  • Zanzibar Mix - (Africa, Zanzibar) tasty, substantial, suitable as a lunch.[v1]

Side Dishes, light Mains


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Africa - Central

  -   [Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe.]
This region is occupied mosty by Bantu tribal peoples. The religion is predominently Christian, with Catholics the major denomination. Islam has very few followers, less than those adhering to native animistic religions. The major languages of these countries are the languages of the former colonial powers: Portuguese, French, Spanish, and English. This is necessary because of the dozens of Bantu languages in each, and some non-Bantu. One of the colonial languages is one of the "official" languages in each of these countries, and most people speak them as first or second languages. In areas of constant tribal strife, many people speak the colonial languages to conceal tribal membership from enemies.

Recipes from Central Africa are generally very basic. Most pan African cookbooks don't include any recipes from Central Africa, or only a couple. Development of a cusine has been hampered by climate, disease, poor soil, poverty, corruption, and continuous warfare - tribal wars, revolutions, civil wars, border wars, etc. We are in the process of evaluating what recipes we find for some of interst for this site.

Africa - Southern

  -   [Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi]
This region differs from Sub-Saharan Africa in climate and culture, some regions still maintaining a lot of European influence.
Appetizers, Snacks, Street  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes


Apptizers, Snacks, Street Foods




Side Dishes

  • Cucumber Sambal - (South Africa) from the Cape Malay, a side for curries, etc.[v1]
  • Nshima - (Southern Africa) The main dish for most meals in the region.[v0]

Main Dishes

  • Bean Curry for Bunny - (South Africa) Filling for Bunny Chow, or serve with roti or rice.[v2]
  • Beef Curry Durban - (South Africa) A spicy curry for rice, roti, nshima, or Bunny fill.[3]
  • Bunny Chow - (South Africa) a very popular dish in Durban, curry filled bread.[mv1]
  • Lamb Curry - (South Africa) Filling for Bunny Chow, or serve with roti or rice.[2]
  • Lentil Curry for Bunny - (South Africa) Filling for Bunny Chow, or serve with roti or rice.[v2]
  • Nshima - (Southern Africa) The main dish for most meals in the region.[v0]

Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

  • Chakalaka - (South Africa) the essential South African relish / sauce.[v3]
  • Dried Fruit Chutney - (South Africa) Blatjang is the chutney in RSA, variously used.[v1]
  • Monkeygland Sauce - (South Africa) BBQ Sauce & marinade, wildly popular in RSA.[1]
  • Nshima - (Southern Africa) The main dish for most meals in the region.[v0]
  • Piri-Piri Sauce - (Africa, S. Mozambique) a widely popular chili sauce.[v4]
  • Tikka Masala - (India, Africa) seasoning for tandori or grilled meats.[v3]


Americas - North

  -   [United States, Canada]

See Also

General Euro-American

for more recipes used in North America.

To geographers, Mexico is part of North America, but its culinary traditions are a lot closer to Central America so we've put it there.
Appetizers  /  Beverages  /  Breakfast  /  Desserts  /  Main Dishes  /  Pasta Courses & Sauces  /  Salads & Dressings  /  Sandwiches  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups  /  Soups Cold


Breakfast & Brunch



  • Margarita, "Original" - (Mexico) the premier cocktail of Mexico, origin and details.[v0]
  • Sweet Tea - (USA / Indonesia) popular non-alcoholic beverage in USA South & Indonesia.[v0]




  1. Turkey Sandwich - (USA) many builds make short work of leftover roast turkey.



Cold Soups




Pasta Courses & Sauces


Side Dishes - Lunches - Light Main Dishes


Main Dishes



  • Comment:   Sugar is an adictive toxin, and most North American and European deserts are just loaded with sugar. I recommend just fruit and/or cheese for desert. Some have their salad at the end rather than the begining of dinner, and this is good too.

Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Americas - Caribbean

This region is divided into islands that like their chilis mild (Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Cuba) and all the rest that like their chilis very hot indeed. The region also includes coastal mainland countries tightly associated with the islands, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guyan. We may also include Caribbean style recipes from Florida as well, since Miami is sort of the Capital of the Caribbean.
Appetizers  /  Breads  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups


Appetizers and Snacks




Soups & Light Stews

  • Avocado Soup - (Trinidad etc.) an unusual and luxurious soup, warm or cool.[v0]
  • Chickpea & Pig Foot Soup - (Puerto Rico) - a main dish soup with interesting flavors and textures.[0]
  • Fish Soup / Stew - (Puerto Rico) a delicious soup/stew with flexible ingredients.[0]
  • Green Pigeon Pea Vianda Soup - (Puerto Rico) a do-ahead vegetarian recipe suitable for buffet service.[v0]
  • Green Pigeon Pea Soup - (Puerto Rico) a vegetarian recipe for a people who don't do vegetarian.[v0]
  • Pumpkin & Apple Soup - (Puerto Rico) an unexpectedly delicious soup![mv0->2]
  • Red Pea Soup - (Jamaica) a truly outstanding soup of kidney beans, meats, and potatoes.[2]
  • Soup Joumou - (Haiti) a substantial celebration soup for New Years and Independence Day.[1+]
  • Tripe a la Criolla - (Puerto Rico) - intensely flavorful and substantial, but not heavy.

Breads & Dumplings


Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

  • Amchar Masala - (Trinidad) a pickling spice similar to Indian Achar Masala.[v1]
  • Anchovy Cream Dip - (Jamaica) a dip / sauce where robust flavor is appropriate.[0]
  • Atsuete / Achiote / Annatto Oil - (Puerto Rico) a commonly used natural color.[v0]
  • Adobo - (Puerto Rico) an important spice mix used with meats, seafood.[v0]
  • Alcaparrado - (Puerto Rico) an essential ingredient for stews and the like.[v0]
  • All Purpose Seasoning - (Caribbean) a widely used seasoning in Caribbean homes.[v0]
  • Browning Sauce - (Caribbean) a commonly used flavoring & coloring potion.[v0]
  • Caribbean Green Seasoning - (Trinidad, etc.) an essential Caribbean seasoning.[v3]
  • Curry Powder - Jamaica - (Jamaica) a Caribbean style curry powder, differnt from Madras.[v1]
  • Curry Powder - Trinidad - (Trinidad) a Caribbean style curry powder, different from Madras.[v0]
  • Epis Seasoning - (Haiti) an essential seasoning and base for Haitian cuisine.[v1+]
  • Garam Masala - (Trinidad) a Caribbean style Garam Masala.[v1]
  • Mojo Verde - (Caribbean) From the Canary Islands, now widespread.[v1]
  • Mojo - Cuban - an indispensable marinade and dip for Cuban cuisine.[v0]
  • Mojo - Cuban California - a dip, condiment and sauce used in California Cuban restaurants.[v0]
  • Pepper Sauce, Bajan - (Barbados) a chili sauce typical of Bajan household tables.[v4]
  • Pique - (Puerto Rico) the "must have" condiment for the Puerto Rican table.[v3]
  • Recaíto - (Puerto Rico / Cali) basis for some Sofritos, & in other recipes.[v0]
  • Sazón - (Puerto Rico) a universal seasoning in the Island community.[v0]
  • Sazón Completo - (Central America, Caribbean) an important universal seasoning.[v0+]
  • Sofrito - Formal - (Puerto Rico) indispensable flavor base for many recipes.[v0]
  • Sofrito - Informal - (Puerto Rico) indispensable flavor base for recipes, simple version.[v0]
  • Sofrito - Simple - (Puerto Rico / California) practical for a North American kitchen.[v0]

Americas - Mexico

While map makers consider Mexico part of North America, we include it separately because it's cuisines and culture are not strongly related to the rest of North America. Some Recipes will also appear under Central America, as we include the states of Mexico below the "neck", the Mayan Region (Yucatán, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tobasco, and Chaiapas) to be part of Central America.
Appetizers  /  Beverages  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sandwiches  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups  / 


Breakfast, Brunch







        Mexico is pretty much "salad free", except in the larger cities.    

Sandwiches, Snacks, Picnic




Side Dishes

  • Green Rice, Pueblo - (Mexico, Puebla) attractive colors and flavor to match.[v1]
  • Green Rice, Morelos - (Mexico, Morelos) interesting colors and flavors.[mv1]
  • Red Rice, Mexican - (Mexico) popular throughout Mexico and soutwest United States.[v2]
  • Refried Beans - (Mexico) an essential ingredient and side dish for northern Mexico.[mv1]
  • Rice, Mixtec - (Mexico, Oaxaca) attractive, flavorful but lightly.[mv1]
  • Tamales, Blind - (Mexico) makes a pile, serve with heavily sauced main dishes.[0]

Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Americas - Central

While mapmakers call the southern border of Mexico the start of Central America, we include Mexican states "below the neck" (the Mayan Region: Yucatán, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tobasco, and Chaiapas) to be in Central America for climate and cultural considerations. In recipes below, those called "Mayan" are from the Mexican states.
Appetizers  /  Beverages  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sandwiches  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups







  • Corn, Buttery & Spicy - (Nicaragua) corn on the cob - without the cob.[v2]
  • Pickled Red Onions - (Central America) condiment found on tables throughout the region.[v1]
  • Yuca Sticks - (Latin America / Caribbean) appetizer, side dish, easier the French fries.[v0]







Side Dishes

  • Black Beans - (Mayan) used in place of refried beans in the region.[1]
  • Corn, Buttery & Spicy - (Nicaragua) corn on the cob - without the cob.[v2]
  • Pickled Red Onions - (Central America) condiment found on tables throughout the region.[v1]
  • Rice with Corn - (El Salvador) popular for celebrations, very easy to make.[v0]
  • Yuca Sticks - (Latin America / Caribbean) appetizer, side dish, easier the French fries.[v0]

Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Americas - South America

Appetizers, Snacks  /  Beverages  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Pasta & Sauces  /  Salads  /  Sandwiches  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes   Soups


Breakfast, Brunch, & Light Lunches

  • Eggs Perico - (Colombia) a fine and flavorful egg and vegie breakfast.[vo0+]
  • Farofa with Eggs - (Brazil) A recipe based on the popular side dish Farofa.[mv0+]
  • Ham, Egg, & Tomato Pie - (Argentina) a spectacular breakfast, brunch, or lunch.[0]
  • Sopa Paraguaya - (Paraguay) the "national dish". Breakfast, Lunch, or Side.[vo0]
  • Vegie Fritters - (Chile) breakfast, brunch, lunch, etc. Use various vegies.[v0]

Appetizers & Snacks



  • Completo - (Chile) famous hot dog. Photo method and details of versions.[0]



Soups & Light Stews


Pasta & Sauces


Side Dishes & Light Main Dishes

  • Black Beans in Red Sauce - (Peru) Intensely flavorful but with mild chili heat.[2mv]
  • Collard Greens - (Brazil) practically essential in Brazilian cuisine.[v]
  • Farofa - (Brazil) a wildly popular side dish in Brazil. Easy to make.[mv0]
  • Farofa with Eggs - (Brazil) A recipe based on the popular side dish Farofa.[mv0+]
  • Lentils, Smoky, with Chorizo - (Colombia) a very flavorful lentil and sausage dish.[1]
  • Patacones / Tostones - (South America / Caribbean) a very popular appetizer or side dish.[v0]
  • Pirão - (Brazil) of native origin, popular side dish over much of Brazil.[v0]
  • Sopa Paraguaya - (Paraguay) the "national dish". Breakfast, Lunch, or Side.[vo0]
  • Yuca Sticks - (Latin America / Caribbean) appetizer, side dish, easier the French fries.[v0]

Main Dishes



  • Caipirinha - (Brazil) Brazil's national cocktail, Cachaça and Limes.[v0]
  • Maté - (South America) favorite beverages in the Southern Cone.[v0]
  • Pisco Sour Rica Rica - (Chile) a very popular cocktail, also without rica rica.[0v]

Sauces, Condiments Dressings, etc.

  • Aji Huacatay - (Peru) a popular Sauce / Dip using a unique Peruvian herb.[vo3]
  • Aji Picante #1 - (Colombia) This is the national hot sauce of Colombia.[v3]
  • Aji Picante #2 - (Colombia) This is the national hot sauce of Colombia.[v3]
  • Aji Verde - (Peru) a popular sauce / dip, for meats and everything else.[v3]
  • Cheiro Verde - (Brazil / Portugal) a simple but important ingredient and garnish.[v0]
  • Chimichurri - (Argentina / Uruguay) essential condiment for grilled meats.[v1]
  • Chimichurri of Carrot Tops - (California / Argentina) condiment for meats, vegies, sandwiches.[v2]
  • Cilantro Mayo Sauce - (Chile) a fine spread for bread, sauce, or dip for chips, frys, etc.[vo2]
  • Color Chelena - (Chile) an essential ingredient for sofrito and toppings.[mv0]
  • Dried Beef - (Brazil, etc) an important ingredient in parts of South America.[0]
  • Garlic Mayonnaise Sauce / Dip - (Brazil) for grilled meats, sandwich spread, Vegi dip.[v0]
  • Golf Sauce - (Argentina, etc.) a popular sauce, spread, dip - easy to make.[ol0]
  • Hogao (Salsa Criolla) - (Colombia) an important table condiment and recipe ingredient.[v0]
  • Llajwa - (Bolivia) the "must have" table condiment, and easy to make.[v3]
  • Merquén Salsa - (Chile) a smoky, tasty, and moderately hot chili sauce / dip.[v3]
  • Mojo Verde - (South American) From the Canary Islands, now widespread.[v1]
  • Ocopa Sauce - (Peru) just the sauce for uses other than with potatoes.[v2]
  • Pebra / Chancho en Piedra - (Chile) the "must have" table condiment in all of Chile.[v2]
  • Red Pepper Brazil Nut Pesto - (Brazil) a delicous dip, sauce, or dressing, low chili heat.[v1]
  • Red Pepper Sauce / Dip - (Brazil) a fabulously tasty sauce or dip with low chili heat.[v2]
  • Rocoto Sauce / Dip - (Peru) used on just about anything and everything in Peru.[vo2]
  • Rosé Sauce / Dip - (Brazil) dip for Quail Eggs and fried items.[vo1]
  • Salsa Americana - (Chile) a pickled sauce used in sandwiches.[v0]
  • Salsa Verde - (Chile) simple, tasty, and much used in sandwiches.[v0]
  • Tomato Salsa / Salad - Brazil - (Brazil) an essential salsa for BBQ, also can be a salad.[v0]
  • Yogurt Mint Sauce / Dip - (Brazil) simple but effective, especially with meats.[vo0]


Asia - Near East - Levant

  -   [Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Arabia, Israel (see Palestine)   -   excluding Turkey]

Appetizers  /  Breads  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sandwiches  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups




Appetizers (meze, mezeh)




Breads & Baked Goods




Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Asia - Middle East

  -   [Persia (Iran), Afghanistan]

Persia is from Greek, from province Parsa (now Fars), used for all of Iran. Today, due to political turmoil, many Iranians use the name "Iran" for the physical country and government, but prefer "Persian" when discussing Cultural and Culinary matters. The Persian Empire had a strong culinary influence on the surrounding regions, and vice versa. This cuisine is quite related to those of Anatolia and Caucasus, as well as strongly influencing Central Asia, Pakistan and northwestern India. Afghanistan has been most strongly influenced by Persia, but also by Central Asia and India.
Appetizers  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups


Breakfast / Brunch



  • Lamb Nuts - (Persian) a fine hot appetizer or breakfast patty.


  • Cucumber Salad - (Persian - Kurdistan) a simple appetizer salad.[vs0]

Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes

  • Persian Rice - (Persian) The official "Persian Rice", Chelo ba Tahdig.[v0]

Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Asia - Central

  -   [The Stans (except Afghanistan and Pakistan)]

Russia had completed conquest of the entire region by the fall of Samarkand in 1868. Russian control turned into Soviet control after the Bolshevik revolution, and the region remained part of the Soviet Union until 1991. Upon the fall of the Soviet Union, most of the peoples exiled to Central Asia by the Soviets left, and Russian cultural influence faded rapidly.
Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups




Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Asia - Himalayas

  -   [Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan]
Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Soups






Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

  • Tsampa - (Tibet) an essential staple, toasted barley flour.[v0]

Asia - North

  -   [Mongolia, Siberia]

Main Dishes  /  Side Dishes, Lunches


Side Dishes, Lunch


Main Dishes

India - Subcontinent

  -   [including Pakistan and Bangladesh (Muslim India) and Sri Lanka (Ceylon)]

In this region, all foods are traditionally prepared to be eaten with the fingers, sometimes aided with a fold of flat bread. Spoons and forks are still very scarce here, except in European style resturants.
Appetizers, Chaat  /  Breakfast  /  Chutneys, Pickles  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads, Raitas  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups, Rassams  / 


Chutneys & Pickles

Indian meals are usually accompanied by condiments such as Chutneys and Pickles.


  • Idli - Rice Cakes - (India, South / Sri Lanka) a very important breakfast item.[v0]
  • Idli Upma - (India, South) A popular breakfast dish made from leftover idlis.[v2]
  • Kaima Idli - (India, South) A breakfast or dinner dish popular in Tamil Nadu.[v3]
  • Idli Manchurian - (India, South) breakfast or dinner dish in "Indo-Chinese" style.[v3]
  • Podi Idli - (India, South) idli with a very flavorful topping of Podi and Oil.[v2]

Appetizers & Snacks (Chaat)


Salads, Raitas, Pachadis


Soups & Rassams

They don't really have soups in India, because they traditionally didn't have spoons. Here we list soups from foreign communities, but also include Rasams, because they are soups to us, though mixed into rice in India. Even experts admit that eating rice with your fingers is tricky when it is combined with a very liquid sauce, so we serve in a soup bowl and present a bowl of rice to be stirred in as desired.
  • Mulligatawny Soup - (Anglo-Indian) a popular British soup derived from a Tamil sauce.[mv3]
  • Rasam Idli - (Inda, South) a Rasam specifically for use as a sauce for Idlis.[v3]
  • Rasam Jeera - (India, South) delicious and powerful, to accompany rice.[v4]
  • Rasam with Lemon - (India, Tamil Nadu) delicious and lightly tart, to serve with rice.[v3]
  • Rasam with Mint - (India, Tamil Nadu) unusual, but very tasty and herbal.[v3]
  • Tomato Rasam - (India, South) a mildly spiced tomato rasam.[v3]
  • Udupi Tomato Rasam - (India, South) a popular rasam from the satvic cuisine of Udupi.[vs3]

Side Dishes & Light Main Dishes

While all these are "side dishes" to rice or roti in India, those listed here are recipes we would consider "Side Dishes" in the West, many of which can serve as light lunch.

Main Dishes

While all these are "side dishes" to rice or roti in India, those listed here are recipes we would consider "main dishes" in the West.

Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Asia - China

  -   [exclusive of Tibet]
Appetizers, Snacks  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups


Appetizers & Snacks






Side Dishes & Light Mains

In China, all dishes are sides to the rice or noodles, but these fit the Western concept of side dishes.

Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Asia - Korea

The cuisine of Korea is similar in many ways to both Chinese and Japanese, but unlike either, it is very beef oriented, but not as a feature item (it's expensive). Beef is more a widely used flavoring ingredient. Chicken and seafood are also much in evidence.
Banchan, Appetizers  /  Breakfast  /  Kimchee, Pickles  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Sides, Snacks, Street  /  Soups  / 




Kimchee / Kimchi - & other Pickles


Banchan & Appetizers   -   Small Side dishes

    Some Salads make good Banchan, some Banchan will work as Salads, and some as Appetizers.    


  -   more substantial than Banchan    

Side Dishes, Snacks & Street Food

- more substantial than Banchan    



Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Asia - Japan

Appetizers, Snacks, Street Food   /   Main Dishes   /   Pickles & Condiments   /   Salads   /   Sandwiches   /   Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /   Soups   /   Toppings & Garnishes   /  


Appetizers, Snacks, Street Food








Main Dishes

  • Beef & Bok Choy - (Japan) flavorful stir fry of beef, bok choy and mushrooms.
  • Curry, Japanese - (Japan) wildly popular all over Japan.[1]
  • Ganmo - (Japan) the prototype veggie burger, but no attempt for beef flavor.[v]
  • Malabar Spinach with Beef - (Japan) A Chinese style stir fry adapted for Japan.
  • Nagaimo Pancakes - (Japan) similar to potato pancakes (latkes) but more delicate.
  • Oden, Vegetarian - (Japan) a vegetarian take on a very popular street vendor offering.
  • Yakisoba Noodles - (Japan) a very popular noodle dish, street food or home made.[v2]

Pickles & Condiments

  • Pickles for Curry - (Japan) a side item for Japanese Curry, useful with other dishes.[v0]

Toppings & Garnishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Asia - Southeast

  -   [Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Burma, Singapore - These countries share borders and elements of each other's cuisines.]
Appetizers, Snacks  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sandwiches  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups


Appetizers, Snacks & Sides



During the time of French Indochina, Vietnam enthusiastically adopted the French Bagguettes, as well as shorter rolls, and created the world famous Ban Mi sandwiches. Items in this section are specific to Ban Mi, though some can have other uses.



Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes & Light Main Dishes

In Southeast Asia all dishes are sides to the rice, but here we list ones that are "side dishes" in Western format.

Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Asia - Southeast Islands

  -   [Indonesia, Borneo, Brunei]

Appetizers, Snacks  /  Beverages  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups


Appetizers & Snacks



  • Sweet Tea - (USA / Indonesia) popular non-alcoholic beverage in USA South & Indonesia.[v0]




  • Eggplant Tamarind Soup - (Indonesia) an excellent soup course or light lunch soup.[v1]
  • Fish Soup - (Indonesia) a great soup for any fish that stays firm [1].

Main & Side Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Asia - Philippines

While the Philippines geographically belong to the Southeast Asian island chains, due to long occupation by the Spanish, the United States, a short and unpleasant occupation by Japan, and centuries of trade with China, its cuisine is very different from the other Pacific island chains.
Appetizers, Snacks  /  Desserts  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups  / 


Appetizers & Snacks




Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes


Main Dishes



  • Fruit Salad - (Philippine) Filipino fruit salad is served as a desert.[vo0]

Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.


Europe - Nordic

  -   [Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland]

This section includes two distinctly different peoples, but their cuisines are related due to the subarctic climate they share. The people of Norway, Sweden and Denmark are Germanic. The peoples of Finland (as well as the Sami who migrate across the far north of the whole region) are Uralic, related (distantly) to Hungarians. Estonians are Uralic, but their cuisine is consistent with the other Baltic countries, not Finland, so we place Estonia with Europe - Baltic.
Appetizers  /  Beverages  /  Breakfast  /  Breads, Baked Goods  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sandwiches, Spreads & Toppings  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups


Breakfast / Brunch


Breads, Baked Goods, Flat Breads, etc.

  • Bread, Barley - (Finland) A substantial (and flavorful) bread.[vo]
  • Bread, Sour Rye - (Finland) Essential for any Finnish meal.[v]
  • Lefse - (Norway) potato crepes, usually rolled around a spread, but other ways too.[mv0]
  • Rúgbrauð Bread - (Iceland) "Volcano Bread", favorite bread of Iceland.[v0]



Sandwiches, Spreads & Toppings

  • Egg Salad Spread - (Scandinavia) a good spread for sandwich or stuffing for lefse, etc.[vo0]
  • Lefse - (Norway) potato crepes, usually rolled around a spread, but other ways too.[mv0]
  • Sardine Spread - (Norway) an excellent spread for bread, crackers or sandwiches.
  • Smoked Herring Spread - (Denmark) salty smoked herring tempered with radishes and dairy.
  • Smoked Salmon Spread - (Norway) excellent spread for crackers, sandwiches, lefse.[0]
  • Tuna Spread - (Iceland) a fine topping for Smørrebrød, filling, or spread.[0]



Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes & Light Main Dishes

  • Dill Potatoes - (Sweden) properly with new potatoes, but others can be used.[v]
  • Lefse - (Norway) potato crepes, usually rolled around a spread, but other ways too.[mv0]
  • Spinach & Potatoes with Egg - (Denmark) a substantial breakfast, brunch, lunch, or side dish.[v1]

Main Dishes



  • Kvass - (Slavic, Baltic etc.) a very traditional fermented beverage.

Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Europe - England

English cuisine was once noted for quality - but this went all to Hell during the reign of Victoria. She was aganst anyone enjoying anything except murdering 3rd World people and exploiting their countries. With Victoria long dead, many English chefs are now working to restore England's pre-Victorian culinary glory, often under some influence from France, Italy and California. Vegetables are now often cooked so briefly you can still recognize what they are.
Appetizers  /  Bread  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups



  • Golden Buck - (England) a Welsh Rabbit with a poached egg on it.[vo]
  • Welsh Rabbit - (England) a classic - cheese on toast.[vo]


  • Fried Whitebait - (British Isles / Ireland) simple tiny fish deep fry.[0]



Breads & Baked Goods


Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Europe - Celtic

  -   [Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Galacia (Spain), Britony (France), Cornwall, Isle of Man]

This section is for cultures that are historically and consider themselves Celtic (say Keltic). Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, Cornish, Breton, Manx are still spoken, though most often as a second language. In Galacia, Spain, Celtic languages are no longer spoken. All of Scotland was once Celtic, but the lowlands are now Germanic. We include them here anyway. Note that there is a US football team named Celtics, and also one in Scotland. Very different football, but In both cases the team name is pronounced "Seltics".

Appetizers  /  Bread & Baked Goods  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /   Soups  /  Side Dishes  / 








Breads & Baked Goods


Soups & Light Stews

  • Cornish Fish Stew - (Cornwall) An outstanding fish stew, soup or main dish.[0]
  • Nettle Soup - (Ireland) elegant, attractive and tasty as soup course.[v0]
  • Potato Leek Soup - (Irish) for authenticity on St. Patrick's day. [vo]

Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Europe - France

  -   [France & the Waloon half of Belgium

French cuisine is actually a collection of regional cuisines with significant differences. Most well known, however, is the French High Cuisine, based in Paris and other major cities. This cuisine is fast fading, with younger chefs under the influence of Spain, California and Scandinavia.

Appetizers  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups  / 








Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

  • Béchamel Sauce - (France) one of the important basic sauces in French Cuisine.[vo0]
  • Beurre Mané - (France) a "last minute" non-lumping thickener.[vo0]
  • Herbs de Provence - (France) seasoning shortcut for Provence cuisine.[v]
  • Rouille - (France) a popular sauce with raw vegetables, potatoes and fish.[v2]
  • Tapenade - (France) famous spread / ingredient from Provence.
  • Verjus - (Europe) an interestingly flavored alternative to vinegar.[v]
  • Vinaigrette Provençale - (France) a salad (and chicken) dressing typical of southern France.[v0]

Europe - Germania

  -   [Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Flemish half of Belgium, Czech Republic]

We use "Germania" broadly, as the Romans did. The Czechs are Slavs but, due to the long association of Bavaria with Germany, their cuisine is closer to German / Austrian than to Polish / Lithuanian.

Appetizers  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups


Breakfast & Brunch

  • Hoppel Poppel - (US Midwest) From Germany, very popular in Great Lakes region.[mv0]




  • Beet Salad - (Germany) a fine salad with light horseradish and no dairy.[v]
  • Beet Salad - (Czech) a fine salad with light horseradish and no dairy.[v]
  • Cauliflower Salad - (Czech) an unusual dressing makes this salad unique.[v0]
  • Celery Root Salad - (German / Polish) a delicious cooked vegetable salad.[v]
  • Cucumber Salad with Mustard - (German) fresh cucumbers in a very light sauce.[vo]
  • Fennel Salad - (Germany) a light salad with intereting flavor contrasts.[vo]
  • Potato Salad with Sauerkraut - (Czech) a light but flavorful non-dairy potato salad.[v]
  • Prague Salad - (Czech) a popular meat salad with good flavor and interesting textures.
  • Wurstsalat - (German) a sausage salad very popular in Switzerland and Germany.

Soups and Light Stews


Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Europe - Baltic & Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

  -   [Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia].

This region was controlled by Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for about 500 years. While it is all separate nations now, there is a consistency of the cuisine through the region. It's sometimes called "The Pork, Beer and Vodka Belt of Europe". Estonia, a Uralic country, was only partly in the Commonwealth and not for long, but its cuisine is coherent with that of the other Baltic countries. Slovakia was never part of the Commonwealth, but Slovak cuisine is closer to Polish than to Hugarian or Germanic. Today, Belarus is the least Polish due to intense "de-Polinization" under the Soviets, including forcing chefs to invent a new peasant based cuisine - but some chefs are now restoring the old, more sophisticated cuisine.

Appetizers  /  Beverages  /  Breakfast  /  Light Dishes  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups




Appetizers & Light Dishes



  • Kvass - (Slavic, Baltic etc.) a very traditional fermented beverage.



Cold Soups

  • Beet Soup, Cold - (Lithuania / Poland) a substantial, flavorful summer soup.[v0]

Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Europe - Russia

Russian cuisine was developed largely from that of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, and later from Fance and Belgium. Unfortunately, now (2024) under Putin, Russia has fallen into a barbaric state. In the invasion of Ukraine, Russian soldiers have shown there is no war crime they will hesitate to commit, and their officers treat them little better. The Russian populace has chosen to enter a time of such repression as the Tzars would have hesitated to enforce.

Many thousands of Russians, including doctors and professionals, have fled the country, but the general populace worships Putin. The food situation is declining toward that of ths Soviet era and ifrastructure is rapidly disintegrating. Economic collapse seems inevitable. Fortunately, we in the West can still enjoy the best of Russian food and music, even as we resist their imperial dreams.

Appetizers  /  Beverages  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups  / 




Appetizers & Snacks



  • Kvass - (Slavic, Baltic etc.) a very traditional fermented beverage.


  • Abzhorka Salad - (Russia) a beef and vegetable salad that's sure to please.[0]
  • Beet Salad - (Russia) a popular salad with beets, walnuts and prunes.[vo]
  • Beet Vinaigrette - (Russia) A very nice beety appetizer sure to please.[v]
  • Cucumber & Radish Salad - (Regional) a fine appetizer salad alternative to plain cucks.[v0]
  • Diced Vegetable Salad - (Russia) a delicious salad for buffet, lunch or dinner.[vo0]
  • Salade Bagration - (Russia) a pasta version of the famous Russian Olivier Salad.
  • Salade Olivier - (Russia) the famous salad called "Russian", except in Russia and Poland.

Soups & Borshch


Side Dishes & Light Mains


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Europe - Transylvania

  -   [Hungary, Romaina, Moldova]

Transylvania proper was in north central Romania. It was a crossroads region with mixed population, so we are assigning its name to the region.
Appetizers  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups  / 






Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes

  • Green Bean Paprikas - (Hungary) Green beans as you have never known them.[mv0]
  • Lecsó - (Hungary) a dish served many delicious ways, and a staple ingredient.[mv0]

Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

  • Csipetke - (Hungary) egg pastas for soup and stew.[vo]
  • Galuska - (Hungary) dumplings for soup and stew.[vo]
  • Lecsó - (Hungary) a dish served many delicious ways, and a staple ingredient.[mv0]
  • Tarhonya - [Egg Barley] - (Hungary) tiny egg pastas for soup, etc.[vo]

Europe - Iberia

  -   [Spain, Portugal]

Appetizers, Tapas  /  Breakfast & Brunch  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups & Light Stews  / 


Breakfast & Brunch

  • Pumpkin with Sauce - (Spain) a fine tasty side dish or brunch, using excess Kabocha.[v0]

Appetizers & Tapas




Cold Soups


Soups & Light Stews

  • Asparagus Soup - (Spain) most asparagus soups disappoint, not this one.[v0]
  • Chestnut Soup - (Spain) a substantial, satisfying and easy to make soup.[0]
  • Chicken Gizzard Soup - (Portugal) a delicious soup, but it's not for wimps.[3-4]
  • Fish Soup de Perro - (Spain - Andalusia) a simple, but interesting, fish soup.[0]
  • Fish Soup Romesco - (Spain, Catalonia) deliciously flavored with Romesco sauce.[0]
  • Green Vegetable Soup - (Spain) a satisfying vegetable soup, easy to make.[0]
  • Lentil Soup - (Spain) a very fine and substantial soup of lentils and sausage.[0]
  • Lentil Soup - (Sephardic / Spain) a wonderful Spanish soup taken to Greece by Sephadim.[v2]
  • Mushroom Soup - (Spain) an interestingly flavored soup, easily made vegetarian.[v0]
  • Wheat & Chickpea Soup - (Spain) a peasant style soup, simple, flavorful, filling.[0]

Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

  • Biscayne Sauce - (Spain - Basque) most famous sauce in the Basque region.[1mv]
  • Cheiro Verde - (Portugal / Brazil) a simple but important ingredient and garnish.[0v]
  • Cilantro Sauce / Mojo - (Canary Islands) used with fish, potatoes and fresh cheese.[0v]
  • Mojo Verde - (Canary Islands) From the Canary Islands, now widespread.[1v]
  • Pimiento Strips - (Spain) a common garnish or ingredient in Spain, easy to make.[0v]
  • Romesco Sauce - a delicious dip for Vegetables, Fish, Shellfish, Chicken, etc.[1v]
  • Sherry Vinaigrette - (Spain - Andalusia) an oil and sherry vinegar dressing with herbs.[v]
  • Spanish Salad Dressing - (Spain - Catalunia) very flavorful and with substantial body.[0f]
  • Xato / Romesco - (Spain) a thick red dip / dressing characteristic of Catalonya.[2v].

Europe - Italy

The cuisine of Italy is certainly as unique as that of France or Spain, and has strongly influenced the cuisines of France, the Balkans (including Greece), Switzerland, North America, Argentina, and now even England.
Appetizers  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Pasta & Sauces  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups   




Appetizers (Antipasto)




Soups & Light Stews


Pasta Courses

In Italy, Pasta is served as as small separate course alternating with a soup course - but never both. California has a strong Italian background, so we are free to use this dishes as in Italy, or we may use them as main dishes if we please.

Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Europe - Balkans

  -   [Greece, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo]

This region has been endlessly invaded from the North, the East, and Italy, since before the dawn of history, and each group has been at war with its neighbors right up to the current day. The cuisines of the region are an amalgum of Greek Mediterranean with strong influences from invaders from Eastern Europe, particularly Hungary, Western Asia, Italy, and especially the Otoman Empire. These regions have in turn been influenced by the Balkans.
Appetizers / Mezza    Breakfast  /  Light Dishes  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sandwiches & Street foods  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups



  • Mamaliga / Kakamac - (Romania / Bulgaria) Cornmeal mush, popular throught the Balkans.[v0]

Mezza & Light Dishes


Sandwiches & Street Foods




Soups & Light Stews


Side Dishes

  • Lima Bean Plaki - (Greek) a delicious appetizer or side dish, cool or warm.[v0]
  • Mamaliga / Kakamac - (Romania / Bulgaria) Cornmeal mush, popular throught the Balkans.[v0]
  • Okra with Tomatoes - (Greek) not slimy, one of the most delicious vegetable dishes ever.[v0]
  • White Bean Stew - (Macedonia) the national dish, and popular through the Balkans.[v0]

Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Europe - Anatolia & Caucasus

  -   [Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan]

Despite severe political and religious differences, the cuisines of Turkey and Armenia are nearly identical and interchangeable - except during the Soviet era Armenians enthusiastically added pig (not acceptable in Muslim Turkey or Azerbaijan), and some Russian recipes. My Azerbaijani cookbook emphasizes the similarity of their cuisine to those of their neighbors, particularly Turkey, but does not admit existance of Armenia. I have a recent Turkish cookbook that has a map showing their neighbors to the east as Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iraq - Armenia seems to have disappeared again. Armenia would like to erase Turkey, but just isn't big enough, even if you count Glendale, "The Western Capital of Armenia". Armenia and Azerbaijan have been at war since World War I. It appears Georgia is now three countries, Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. So sharp is this divide many Abkhazians are turning to the old Abkhaz Pagan religion (which never quite died out) as a rejection of the "church of the opprssor". Ossetia, on the other hand, has never been successfully Christianized or Islamized, and has an unbroken Pagan tradition going back thousands of years. Armenia also has a growing Pagan (Hetan) community, which blames Christianity for Armenia's long decline from being a regional power.
Appetizers  /  Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups










Side Dishes & Light Main Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

  • Ajika - Hot Pepper Sauce - (Georgia) an essential condiment, sauce, spread, and ingredient.[v3]
  • Cilantro Sauce - (Georgia) amazingly delicious, for meats, vegetables, salads.[v2]
  • Khmeli Suneli - (Georgia) a dry herb/spice mix essential to regional cuisine.[v1]
  • Lamb Stock - (Turkey) a basic stock for Turkish, Armenian and Near Eastern dishes.
  • Sour Plum Extract - (Turkey) a souring agent used in soups, dolma, etc.[v0]
  • Tkemali - Sour Plum Sauce - (Georgia) an essential condiment and ingredient of many uses.[v2]

Australasia & Pacific

Australia & New Zealand

Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Salads




Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

Oceana - Pacific Islands

  -   [excluding Hawaii]


Driven out of just about everywhere at one time or another, Jewish communities have been established all around the world. In this diaspora, they have adapted local cuisines to their strict dietary laws. Some recipes that are typically associated with Jews are identical or nearly identical to non-Jewish regional versions, and will also appear under that region.
Breakfast  /  Main Dishes  /  Salads  /  Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.  /  Side Dishes  /  Soups







  • Lentil Soup - (Sephardic / Spain) a wonderful Spanish soup taken to Greece by Sephardim.[v2]

Side Dishes


Main Dishes


Sauces, Condiments, Dressings, etc.

  • Schmaltz - (Jewish) rendered chicken fat for frying.
indreg (index by region)   -
©Andrew Grygus - - Photos on this page not otherwise credited are © cg1 - Linking to and non-commercial use of this page permitted