Back in the dinosaur days of the late Jurrasic, 160 million years or so ago, some proto-magnolia invented flowers and a new kind of "seed in a wrapper" called an angiosperm. Flowers polinated by flying insects combined with complex fruits enticing animals to spread hard coated seeds far and wide proved a stunning evolutionary advantage. Flowering plants dominated most of the world by the end of the dinosaur era.
Around the early Cretaceous, perhaps 140 million years ago, flowering
plants split into several clades, most importantly Magnoliids
(magnolias, laurels, etc.) and later Monocots (lilies, grasses, palms),
and around 110 millions years ago Eeudicots (most flowering plants)
appeared. We are ignoring two additional orders, Ceratophyllum
(sister group to Magnoliids) and Chloranthaceae (sister
group to Eeudicots) because there is nothing to eat there.
Monocots have long leaves with parallel veins while the other
clades have broad leaves with radiating veins. Actually it's way more
complex and confusing than that, but that's enough for discussing food.
![]() PLU CodesNumeric Alphabetic A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
It is impossible to put this stuff in any rational order, and maintaning an alphabetical index is impossible when everything has at least 6 names - so, if you are looking for something specific, and don't see it right off, use the convenient Search Engine. Basal Angiosperms- In the BeginingMagnoliids - Clade- Archaic Orders: Laurels, Black Pepper, Magnolias, etc.Monocots - Clade- Grasses, Grains Orchids, Onions, Gingers, Palms, Bananas, etc.Eudicots - Clade- Most Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs and Spices.
magnol rev 110917 -
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