The Mint Family (Lamiaceae of order Lamiales) is a worldwide family, including a huge number of herbs, a lot of small shrubs, and a few medium to very large trees. They are particularly noted as aromatic flavoring ingredients in cuisines worldwide, accounting for many of our most important culinary herbs. Quite a number are used as easy to grow decoratives and a few find application for their psychoactive properties. Photo by Pharaoh Hound distributed under license Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
More on Lamiales.
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General & HistoryThe Mint Family is of worldwide distribution, though only Sage has much penetrated Central and South America. These powerful aromatic herbs have been in use for both culinary and medicinal purposes since long before the dawn of history. Note: This page is, roughly, in order of relevance to people living in North America, not alphabetical or otherwise. Mints![]() Native to Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and North America, mints are a major genus of mint family, cultivated worldwide as an important culinary herb. Classifying mints is difficult even for botanists because they are highly promiscuous and cross breed with abandon, even from one species to another, and many unique cultivars have been developed. Many species have a half dozen or more "scientific" names and cultivars of the same species may vary in shape and color. See our Mint page For
photos, descriptions and details of culinary usage for many varieties.
Basils![]() Basils are a nearly worldwide family consisting almost entirely of small herbs. Even the one exception only reaches 10 feet on slender stems. Many of these herbs have important culinary uses. Most are annuals, but African basils are perennials. See our Basil page For
photos, descriptions and details of culinary usage for many varieties.
Sages are the largest genus in the mint family, but fortunately we
need deal only with a few of them for culinary and medicinal purposes.
See our Sage page for
photos, descriptions and details of culinary usage for many
important varieties.
Rosemary![]() Rosemary is native to the Mediterranean region. From it's needle like leaves and strong resinous aroma you'd almost think this was some sort of conifer, but no, it's yet another mint. This is a very powerful herb to be used with discretion, fresh or dried. Fresh is considered superior for all uses, and it's the easiest herb there is to have fresh - it grows eagerly under poor conditions and can even get out of control. Various rosemary cultivars are used as durable, almost indestructible hedges, ground covers and decoratives here in Southern California - and it even grows well in England! Rosemary has
an affinity for meats, poultry and some vegetables when fried in olive oil,
particularly potatoes but also eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes. It also has
medicinal properties and is thought to help protect the brain from free
radicals and possibly improve memory. It is very safe in culinary and
therapeutic doses but is toxic in very large amounts (how you could eat that
much of it I haven't a clue) and rosemary oil or extract must be used
carefully. Details and Cooking.
Thyme![]() While there are over 300 species of thyme, nearly all those of culinary use are varieties of T. vulgaris, a native of southern Europe and the Near East. Thyme is used especially for flavoring meat dishes and soup stocks. It is a very important herb throughout southern Europe, North Africa, Anatolia and the Near and Middle East as far as Persia, then tapering off into India. It is also important in the Caribbean and is well known as a powerful medicinal throughout its range. Thyme dries relatively well so it is often used as a dried herb. Details and Cooking. Other Thymes: While Thymus vulgaris is by for the most
important culinary thyme, others are also used. Details will be found on
the Details and Cooking page.
Marjoram & Oregano- [genus Origanum]
Savory- [genus Satureja, also genus Clinopodium]
Cuban Oregano![]()
This fleshy leaved plant is native to South and East Africa, but has been
planted in the tropics and subtropics worldwide. As some of the names imply,
it's popular in the Caribbean region. With a scent and flavor similar to
oregano and sage, it is used in similar ways for seasoning meat and poultry.
It is also a traditional medicinal, particularly for cough, sore throat and
nasal congestion.
Photo by Obsidian Soul contributed to the Public
Lavender is native to the Western Mediterranean region, particularly the mountains of northern Spain. While not traditionally used in the cuisines of southern France, a commercial concoction called Herbs de Provence was invented which usually includes lavender flowers. Nonetheless, lavender buds, the only part containing the aromatic oils, are increasingly used as a flavoring and are often paired with sheep and goat cheese. In the Mediterranean region bees gather nectar from fields of lavender, producing a monofloral honey that is sold for a premium price. Lavender flowers are sometimes candied and used as cake decorations, and dried lavender buds are sometimes blended with black, green or herbal teas to add a fresh fragrance. Lavender oil has medicinal properties and is used to induce relaxation,
but needs to be used cautiously because it does have some toxic effects,
including stimulating boob growth in young boys, who would rather the
growth be elsewhere.
Photo by Guywets, contributed to the Public
Melissa / Lemon Balm![]()
Native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, this herb and is
a favorite in North American herb gardens - but it has escaped and now
grows wild in warmer regions. The leaves have a light lemony flavor
and are used in teas, fruit salads, iced teas, and in cooking as a
substitute for lemon peel.
Photo distributed under license Creative Commons
Alike 3.0 Unported.
Perilla- [Shiso (Japan); Deulkkae, Tulkkae, Kkaennip, Sesame leaf (Korea); Tia to (Vietnam); Pak Maengda (Laos); Zi su (China); Silem (Nepal, India); Shiso, Beefsteak plant, Purple mint, Japanese basil, Wild coleus (North America); Perilla frutescens var japonica and others]
Vitex- Order Lamiales; Family Lamiaceae; Subfamily Viticoideae; Genus Vitex. This Genus contains over 40 species, mostly tropical and subtropical, but a few in temperate climates. The provide little food, but some are medicinal and some provide very useful timber.
Vietnamese Balm![]()
Pronounced "Kin Zoy", the leaves of this plant are thin and delicate
with the taste of a lemony combination of mint and Thai basil. The
plant bears flat spikes of light lavender colored flowers. Leaves are
generally eaten raw, included on an herb plate that may accompany
cooked foods such as grilled meats. The raw leaves may also be stirred
into soups, such a Pho, included in egg rolls, meat balls and the
like. Here in Southern California these leaves are often available in
the big Asian markets along Valley Blvd in Los Angeles (Alhambra,
San Gabriel), and in Little Saigon down in Orange County.
Native to Europe, Asia and North Africa, this herb has become a noxious
weed in southern Australia and grows wild in North America. It has long
been a folk medicine and is common as Horehound Lozenge candies used
mainly to treat sore throats and reduce inflammation.
Photo distributed under license Creative Commons
Alike 3.0 Unported.
Native to North America, Europe and Asia, this perennial herb has long
had a reputation as a medicinal, but leaves can also be eaten fresh in
salads, soups and stews. The whole plant can be crushed and made into a
cold infusion as a refreshing beverage. Medicinally the plant is used
internally for many complaints, and a poultice is applied externally to
help heal wounds. The photo specimens, from a batch of dried flower heads
ranging from 1 to 3 inches long, were purchased from a large Asian market
in Los Angeles. They made a quite pleasant, slightly minty herbal tea.
Coleus Potato![]() This plant, native to tropical Africa, is farmed as a root crop in tropical Africa and South and Southeast Asia. Photo by Manojk distributed under license Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. The closely related P. esculentus is grown in East Africa and is more difficult to cultivate than P. rotundifolius but produces a better yield. The closely related P. edulis is grown as a root crop in
Ethiopia. It is cooked before eating.
Frosted Mint![]()
This mint, unlike many, can stand very dry land. It is one of the flavoring
herbs available to the Hopi and Tewa pueblo peoples of the American
Southwest. It is a highly aromatic small shrub with light purple flowers.
Photo by U.S. National Park Service = Public Domain.
Bergamot / Beebalm![]()
Native to North America, these plants have a long history as powerful
medicinals, particularly as antiseptics and to treat headache and
fevers, but some were also eaten by American Indians as a flavoring herb.
Beebalm tastes like a mix of spearmint, peppermint and oregano, and was
used mainly to season wild game, particularly birds.
Photo distributed under license Creative Commons
Alike 3.0 Unported.
Muña / Peperina![]()
Native to the Andes region of South America, these herbs are very
important as medicinals and to protect stored tubers from pests. They
are also used as a condiment for flavoring food. Currently the stocks
have been over exploited and researchers are trying to find ways bring it
into cultivation.
Photo by Evavequ distributed under license
Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International.
Eweta / Marugbo![]() Best known from southern Nigeria, this climbing plant is also reported
from other West African countries and as far south as Angola. The highly
medicinal leaf is used in Nigera as an ingredient in Marugbo (Eweta) soup
and also Gbanunu soup which incorporates other medicinal herbs.
Details and Cooking
Korean Mint![]()
In Korea this herb is used to flavor some forms of Jeon pancakes.
More famously it is used in stew, particularly Bosintang, a
stew of dog meat, to remove objectional odors. While this stew has
been banned by the government of South Korea, it is still popular and
easy to find in restaurants if you ask around. In North Korea all the
dogs were probably eaten long ago.
This plant is one of the 50 fundamental herbs of Chinese medicine.
Photo by Stanislav Doronenko distributed under license
Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
Native to southern Europe, east to the Middle East and around the
Caspian Sea, this herb has been known for its medicinal properties
since ancient times. Beekeepers favor hyssop for a rich and aromatic
honey. It is used in cooking, but judiciously due to the intensity
if it's minty aroma. It is also used to flavor Chartreuse liqueur.
Photo by H.Zell distributed under license
Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
Mexican Giant Hyssop![]()
Native to semi-arid regions of southern North America, this herb can
grow to a little over three feet tall. The leaves are lemon scented
and often used to flavor food. Young leaves are brewed into an herb tea.
Photo by Chhe released to the public domain.
Native to North America, this shrub ranges from Maryland to Florida
and west to Texas and Arkansas. It can also be found in the Caribbean
and parts of Mexico. While the berries of other species of
Callicarpa are too bitter to eat, americana berries are
fairly sweet, but are quite astringent. The berries are made into jams
and are used to make beautyberry wine. The roots are used to make an
herbal tea. Crushed leaves are a powerful insect repellant, effective
against mosquitos and flies.
Photo by Eric Hunt distributed under license
Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
Teak is the largest of the mints, growing to over 130 feet tall.
While it is best know for decay resistant lumber used for fine furniture and
yacht decking, it does have culinary uses. The use best known
in North America is salad bowls and salad serving utensils, but in the
regions where teak grows (the tropics of India and Southeast Asia) the
leaves are used for wrappers when making jackfruit dumplings.
Photo ©
mt_mints 2006 -
©Andrew Grygus - - Photos on this
page © cg1 - Linking to and
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