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Religion & Philosophy
Health & Longevity
Low Fat Diet
An industry sponsored fraud that contributes significantly to the
obesity, diebetic and heart disease epidemics.
Celiac & Gluten Free
Celiac - (gluten intolerance) is a serious disorder that
requires a totally gluten free diet. "Gluten Free" is also a fad diet
promoted for non-celiacs because it is high profit potential.
A serious condition where the body does not automatically control its blood
sugar level, so that control has to be applied "by hand". Diet is a major
part of the control strategy.
The traditional diet of a large part of the world's population, and
increasingly popular in the U.S., for a variety of reasons. More extreme
forms of vegetarians includ Fruitarians and Vegans.
A modern adaption of the traditional diet of the European coast of the
Mediterranean, including Southern Italy, Greece and the islands.
Paleolithic Based
on the natural diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors, but modernized to be
more practical for those of us who don't spend the day wandering around with
a sharp stick.
Heart-Healthy Diet
This name is most associated with the American Heart Association
and its recommendations.
With strict rules and prohibitions and an Oriental mystique the macrobiotic
lifestyle has attracted a significant following of adherents and true
believers. Claims that a macrobiotic diet can cure cancer and AIDS are
somewhat controversial.
Raw Foods
One of the most extreme and idealistic diets - and totally wrong.
Commercial & Weight Loss Diets