Cave Painting

Paleolithic Diet

The Paleolithic Diet isn't a new idea, having cropped up now and then for more than a century, always contrasted to the high carb and reportedly highly toxic "Neolithic Diet" which followed the invention of agriculture. There is no question people living on this "hunter gatherer" style diet can maintain excellent health, but today it is often considered an elitist diet available only to a tiny segment of the world's population.


Variously called "Hunter-Gatherer Diet", "Caveman Diet", "Stone Age Diet" and similar, the Paleolithic Diet is a modern interpretation of the human diet as it was between 1.5 million and 10,000 years ago. Proponents of this diet feel the human body is best able to handle the ingredients it evolved on and least able to handle those of the Neolithic or agricultural era that began about 10,000 years ago.

A recent upsurge of the Paleolithic Diet is the Atkins low carbohydrate weight loss diet. "Low Carb" has always been a major feature of this diet but is actually somewhat controversial. Paleontologists who study early man think carbohydrates may have been much more consumed than tradition holds, particularly in some regions. There is evidence of significant consumption of large beans and wild grains long previous to the rise of agriculture.

Exact definition of the diet varies depending on the practitioner, but generally follows the table below. All permitted foods should come from as natural as possible a source and factory beef and chicken should be replaced with wild game or at least "free range" critters. "Organic" fruits and vegetables, of course.

Permitted Foods

Forbidden Foods

The Paleolithic Diet is not a raw food diet. Most foods are cooked, including vegetables because even some on the "permitted" list contain toxins which are largely destroyed by cooking. Meats, of course, are cooked for safety and digestibility.

This is not unreasonable, since it is now known that use of fire for cooking was invented not by humans, but our pre-human ancestors, millions of years ago. It cooked food that made humans possible.

The Paleolithic Diet has been recommended by some dietitians as a good diet for Celiacs (gluten intolerant) and for persons with Type-2 Diabetes. Some characteristics of the diet are said to increase insulin sensitivity.

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