This trout is endemic to Europe and the Caucasus, but has been introduced to much of the world, including North and South America, Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere. Hatcheries are widespread to restock rivers and lakes for sports fishing, particularly fly fishing. This trout is not much farmed, because it's a lot fussier about food and conditions than the Rainbow Trout. Photo by Karelj, contributed to the Public Domain.
This fish is found in lake and river populations, but also in estuarian and saltwater populations, as in the Caspian Sea. In large bodies of water this trout can grow to 39 inches and 44 pounds, but in smaller bodies it is more commonly around 2.2 pounds. Spawning mortality is high for both males and females.
More on Trout Family.
This fish is similar to other trout, so the cooking information for Rainbow Trout should work.
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