
Light Medium and Dark Misos

Fermented soybean paste was invented in China during the Chou Dynasty (1132-246 BCE) and was the first really successful method to render soybeans edible - and it also produced a very usable byproduct - tamari soy sauce. Both these products are too strong in flavor to be used alone, but they have both become indispensable flavoring ingredients - though most soy sauce is now made by a different process.

The fermenting technique was taken to Japan around 600 CE and was further refined there into today's miso. Originally miso was made by fermenting whole soybeans, but from around 1400 on it has been made from ground soybeans. Similar products are made in Korea and China but differ in style. Typically the ingredients are: water, soybeans, rice, salt and alcohol. Other mixes of grains and/or soybeans and grains are used to make miso. Fermentation with koji-kin mold (Aspergillus oryzae) ranges in time from a week to several years.

There are many misos with subtle flavor differences, but for most purposes you need find only the Shiro, Awase, and Aka Misos shown in the photo above. These are by far the easiest to find.

More on Products from Beans.

Types of Miso

Shiro Miso

  [White Miso]   This is one of the three most common Misos, ranging from pale yellow to light beige. It has a delicate taste and is slightly sweet. It is used in many recipes where the light flavor is desirable so as not to overpower other flavors. It is often used in lighter Miso Soups. It is made from Soybeans and Rice or Barley and has a shorter fermentation time than other Misos.

Shinsu Miso:

  [Yellow Miso]   This Miso has a slightly more intense flavor than Shiro Miso, is a little saltier and more acidic, and has a slightly darker color. It has uses in many kinds of recipes, particularly glazes and sauce for roasted meats, but is not common here in Southern Californa. It is made with more soybeans and barley and less rice than is Shir Miso.

Awase Miso:

  [Dashi Miso, Chuo Miso, Mixed Miso]   This is one of the three most common Misos and is much darker than Shiro Miso but not as Dark as Aka Miso. It is very popular due to its balanced flavors and has many uses. Many favor it in Miso Soups, which is why some brands label it as Dashi Miso. It is a mix of other Misos, usually Shiro and Aka, though others may be included depending on brand.

Aka Miso:

  [Red Miso]   This is one of the three most common Misos. It has the most intense flavor and is a dark, sometimes reddish brown. It is used in more robust dishes such as stews, braises, glazes, and with root vegetables and meats. It has higher soybean content and longer fermentation time than any of the above types, and may have a slightly grainy texture.

Hatcho Miso:

  [Kuro Miso, Black Miso]   This miso is uncommon here in Southern California. It is much darker in color than other Misos, with the darkest varieties called Kuro Miso (Black Miso). It has a robust flavor, and is favored by miso enthusiasts. It can be used in any dish where bolder flavors are appropriate, and is sometimes used mixed with other Misos. Unlike the other Misos it is made entirely from soybeans and may be fermented for up to 3 years.

Mugi Miso:

&bsp; [Barley Miso]   This miso is uncommon here in Southern California. It is of lighter color and milder in taste than any other Miso, and has a lower salt content. It is fermented from soybeans and barley, with a much higher percentage of barly than for other misos.

Genmai Miso:

  This Miso is uncommon here in Southern California. It has darker, more nutty flavor than other Misos, and a more grainy texture. It is used in robust recipes such as stews, braises, and marinades. It is made from soybeans and whole grain brown rice, and fermented longer than even Aka Miso.

Buying & Storing:

  Miso is found in the refrigerated section of markets serving Japanese and Korean communities and in other Asian markets. Here in Southern California, Japanese markets are now nearly extinct, but Korean markets carry a full range of Japanese culinary items. Miso may be packed in small plastic bags or in tubs. Once purchased it should be kept refrigerated and if the packages are kept tightly closed it will be good for at least a year.


  The most well known miso dish in the US is miso soup - most often made with Shiro or Awase Miso. In soup the miso is is added last and often the soup is not brought back to a full boil after adding the miso, though I don't find a few seconds of boiling to make much difference.

Other than that, just follow the directions given for your recipe for any type of miso and cooking. Health food enthusiasts often don't add miso to a recipe until it has cooled in order to keep the mold culture alive, but this is not normally done in Japan or here.

Aside from soup miso is used in some pickles, along with sake as a marinade for fish and meats, glazes for meats, and as part of the liquid for braised meats and vegetables. In Japan corn on the cob is often made by coating the ear lightly with shiro miso, wrapping it in foil and grilling it.

Health & Nutrition

Miso is high in salt which is necessary to the fermentation process, but the Miso is strongly flavored and usually not a major part of the recipe - just skip any other salt.

Miso is not for persons trying to reduce their blood pressure with a salt free diet. Medical sources say reducing sodium has little effect until nearly all salt is eliminated from the diet, and doesn't work for all people. Salt metabolism experts say the salt level recommended by the AHA (American Heart Association) is possibly dangerously low. They don't worry about it because that low an intake is very difficult to maintain - especially since salt is the greatest flavor enhancer in the kitchen repertory.

In my non-medical opinion, the ultra-low salt diet sounds like treating the symptoms, not the disease, by creating an imbalance so extreme it happens to counter symptoms of the real problem. As usual, I point to demographics. Populations that practically live on salt, like Japan, don't seem to have that much of a high blood pressure problem.

Because natural miso is a long fermented product, it is free from the toxins and hormone-like substances some soy products are suspected of and is generally regarded as safe.

Claims that miso contains vitamin B12 (critically deficient in the vegan diet) have not stood up to scientific investigation. Miso has B vitamins but not B12, unless it has been contaminated with insects. Miso has been used as a treatment for radiation sickness, basically on hear-say evidence since controlled human studies have not been politically practical since the fall of the Japanese Empire.

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