Soul in Bondage

Banishing the Church

Christian Churches claim to represent Jesus, but don't, they exploit Jesus. They were founded by Paul, who exploited Jesus without mercy, and corrupting his teachings. James, brother of Jesus, who certainly should know, pointed this out very clearly, even during Paul's ministry. For details see our page Jesus Betrayed.

Many now reject the pervasive threats of eternal damnation, oppression, bigotry, and immorality of the Christian Churches, and many more will. Many wish simply to be free of the Church and its false teachings, joining the fast growing ranks of "Spiritual but not Religious". Others reject the Church, but fervently wish to remain with Jesus, and some of these wish even to take Jesus with them into the Pagan fold.

Some cast off the bindings of the Church easily, but others find that very hard to do. It is hoped this page will be helpful for them - and for those in between.

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Teachings of the Christian Churches are simply incompatible with practically any other religion, forcing "all or nothing" obedience. This is not so for the actual teachings of Jesus, which emphasize good works and compassion even beyond faith. There is no mention of original sin, or of your sins being washed away in the blood of Jesus - not in the words of Jesus nor in the Gospels.

There are, as with any ancient religion, inconsistencies between the teachings of Jesus in his time and our world today. These must be resolved to follow his teachings honestly. We present a discussion of these inconsistencies on our page Jesus & Paganism - but the first order of business is to break the bonds that bind you to the Church.

These bonds were deliberately and skillfully placed to control you, and are not easy to break. To break them you must act with intent, and with strength.

Here we present a ritual which may be of great practical help in breaking the bonds. This ritual is a working of magic. It is magic of the most ethical and effective kind. It is designed not to control others, not to effect the physical world (very difficult to do magically), but to change yourself. Once you have performed the ritual, keep it in mind. Refer to it any time you feel weakness or uncertainty - and especially when others try to bring you back.

If you have chosen Paganism, you agree to be one with the Earth and its surrounding realms. As a Pagan you become a steward of the Earth, and all its creatures, not a dominator. You are entering a realm of many Gods and Goddesses, but may have chosen Jesus as your guide and protector. Even so, in time you may call upon other Gods as well, but not until you have studied them sufficiently to understand their nature.

The jealous, angry, vengeful God of the Old Testament has no place in Paganism, and should have no place among those who have broken from the Church. God/desses may accept worship, but no true God demands worship, nor threatens eternal flames for failure to worship. How much has this God done to protect his "Chosen People"? This God is a tool for repression and subjugation, convenient to the ambitions of priests, kings, emperors - and Churches.

Things you Need

You will need some things, but they are easy to acquire and not expensive.

  • You:   By far the most important item in this ritual your intent, and your determination to express that intent.

  • Wand:   The wand represents fire, action, and will - your will and your action. It need be no more than a natural stick that strikes your fancy, or something you made. You could buy a wand made by a crafts person, if the cost is not an issue. The magic is not in the wand, the magic is within you, the wand is a symbolic expression of your magic.

  • Black Candle:   Black votive candles and 4 inch mini ritual candles are available inexpensively. Provide also a safe holder for the candle so it can be allowed to burn out completely without attention.

  • Matches:   Don't forget them! You will need them to light the candle.

  • Paper & Pen:   You need to do a little writing. The paper need not be fancy, it is going to be burned. Of course, it would be particularly nice if it were the back side of a piece cut from some publication of the church in question, with the church's name on it, but plain blank paper will be fine.

  • Receptacle:   Some non-flammable container in which to safely place a burning piece of paper.

  • A Private Place:   You need to set up a place, a surface, where you can perform this ritual without distraction or interruption. A place where you can be seated comfortably, or stand comfortably if you prefer. IF you have set up an altar dedicated to Jesus, that is not the place to perform a banishing ritual. Arrange some other place.

  • A Mantra:   This mantra should be specific to this working. See Mantras below for examples. You can use one of them, or you can compose your own. You can have it written down for reference during the ritual, but do so in your own handwriting.


Be ready. Understand the ritual and the order in which it is to be performed. Note any changes you make from what is given here. Review it as many times as you need to. Realize the seriousness of the act your are about to engage in. The steps given here are very basic to any effective ritual, not just this one.

The first step is to make the ritual space clean and orderly. This declares to both yourself, to Jesus, or to any other Gods, Goddesses, or spirits you intend to call upon, that you are serious in this endeavor.

Set up the ritual space with all the objects you will need. Think about it - there must be no running around looking for things during the ritual. Take note also of the compass directions. You need to know four cardinal directions.

When the time comes, bathe yourself. Dress in loose, comfortable clothing. Comb or brush you hair, but apply no makeup or perfumes. Approach the ritual space calmly and thoughtfully.

The Working

You will first be casting a circle. Lacking dedicated temples in our time, this is the way we define our sacred space. If your space is roomy enough, you may walk around the ritual table as you cast the circle.

  • Pick up your wand and use it to project your energy. Standing, muster your intent, point the wand around clockwise to define a circle surrounding both yourself and the ritual table, not too close. Draw the circle twice, or as many times as you need to feel your strength.

  • Face East and address the spirits of the East, thanking them for being present and for the protection of your space. Similarly address the spirits of the South, then the West and the North.

  • Sit or stand before your ritual table, as you have chosen, in quiet contemplation - until you feel ready. Place your wand crosswise in front of the candle.

  • Recite the mantra for the working. Remain in silence for a few moments. Then, holding strongly to your purpose, light the Black Candle. Watch its flame take hold, continuing to hold to your intent.

  • When you feel ready, recite the mantra again, with feeling. Now, take the Paper you have provided and write your intent to break free from the Church. Name the church, and declare all other churches as well. Fold the paper into an elongated shape, with your message turned inward. Spend a few moments in contemplation.

  • Repeat the mantra again with feeling and determination. Light the paper from the candle. Hold it as long as you safely can, thinking about your intent. Then drop it into the safe, fireproof place you have provided, and let it burn out.

  • Sit in contemplation of the candle flame as long as you feel it is needed.

  • When ready, rise and close the circle. Holding your wand, but not pointing it, Face East, thank the spirits of the East for their attendance, and dismiss them politely. Then go around counter-clockwise to the North, and to the West, and the South doing the same.

  • You may now declare the circle closed, and step out of it. Leave the Black Candle to burn out completely. Later, when ready, take the ashes of the paper and return them to the Earth, contemplating what you have done.

Mantras for the Ritual

These mantras are composed as examples, which you may use as is, or which you may modify to be more meaningful to you, or to better suit your exact intent. If you wish, you can make up your own mantra entirely, if it will be more meaningful to you and to your personal magic. Give this your thoughts. Magic is intensely personal.

Leaving the Church for Jesus

This mantra is composed for persons who wish freedom from the Church, but alignment with Jesus as their sponsor.

Jesus, you who are the Christ, please be with me.
Be with me as I cast off the bindings of the Church.
The Church of the Demon Paul.
The Church that has so distorted your teachings.
Be with me and guide me through this work, as I join your fold.
So let it be.

Leaving the Church for Other Deities

This mantra is composed for a person who wishes to dedicate to a particular God or Goddess. This can be plural for a pantheon. It is presumed you have studied the chosen deity(s) sufficiently to know how to address them. Here it is written for dedication to the Goddess Freya.

Freya, sorceress, warrior goddess, protector of love, beauty and fertility, please be with me.
Be with me as I cast off the bindings of the Church.
As I cast off the Church of the Demon Paul.
The Church of deception, bigotry and oppression.
Be with me and guide me through this work, and welcome me into your fold.
So let it be.

Leaving the Church as a Non-Theist Pagan

Non-Theists and even Atheists are major groups amongst the Pagans, and they hold a myriad of attitudes and beliefs. For some, this mantra will need significant change, but for many it will be suitable.

Here I declare my oneness with the Earth, and with all its spirits, living, material, and ethereal.
I ask all the spirits of the Earth to be with me as I cast off the bindings of the Church.
The Church of the Demon Paul.
The Church of deception, bigotry, and oppression.
Be with me and guide me through this work, and welcome me into your fold.
So let it be.


You will be approached by family, friends, and complete strangers who are sure they can bring you back into the bindings of the Church, and to "salvation". They may be pretty insistent about it, too. You will have to resist them, or sacrifice your own integrity.

I read comments by a lady who was brought up a Jehovah's Witness, and worked in China proselytizing for the Church. She began to suspect that some things were just not at all right, but the bindings were extremely strong - they were all she knew. Her marriage was not working either, and her husband told her flat out he did not love her, but divorce is unthinkable in that church. Marriage is forever, even though Jesus clearly stated that all marriage bonds are void in the kingdom of heaven.

On-line, she met a man who needed help learning the Mandarin language. They became on-line friends, even though she knew that a friendship with a man other than her husband was considered sinful. He looked up things about mind control and discussed them with her.

It came that she made a trip to the United States, a trip that landed in Los Angeles. She had arranged to meet this man in person. She said it was not in the least desired, planned or expected - but it just went off like clockwork. She committed adultery, an absolutely unthinkable sin within the the Jehovah's Witness community. It was a sin so unthinkably severe it shattered all the bonds of the church, and she was free.

So, after completing this ritual, when people try to convert you back, just tell them, sadly, that you have committed a sin so severe there is no hope for you, and your presence would only corrupt their church. Following the teachings of Paul, they will tell you faith alone will forgive all sins, even original sin.

Tell them, no, there are sins so severe they cannot be forgiven by faith, because they erase all desire for faith. You will go to the hereafter holding your good works and compassion, as Jesus taught.

The religion of ancient Egypt, at the birth of Christianity was already 1000 years older than Christianity is today. The Egyptians held that upon death you faced judgement. Your heart was weighed against the feather of Maat (Justice). You are judged on how well you played the cards life dealt you, peasant or king. While not usually as clear, this is the attitude of most religions, other than the Church of Paul, and Jesus would agree, for it is in his teachings.

No, the Egyptian religion did not fade because of the superiority of Christianity, it ended by decrees of emperors, starting with Constantine II, and by roving mobs of Christians bent on murder and destruction of temples. Paganism held on for over 400 years, until emperors decreed death for anyone holding to Pagan beliefs, even in the privacy of their homes, and enforced those decrees.

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©Andrew Grygus -