Small Bowl of Verjus


Europe, Near and Middle East

2 cups
30 min
Verjus was an important souring agent in Europe from the time of Ancient Greece to around 1900, when vinegar production ramped up - but it is still occasionally used in France for its unique flavor.
Verjus is much used in Anatolia and Caucasus, as well as the Near and Middle East. It is available bottled from California and Perigord, France, but it costs a lot less to make your own.



Sour Grapes (1)  

Make   -   (30 min)
  1. Wash the grapes. Pick them off the stems (a few tiny ones included won't hurt).
  2. Bring plenty of water to a boil over high heat. Dump the grapes in for just a few seconds. This kills the yeast on the outside of grapes and will delay fermentation of the juice. Refresh with cold water and drain well.
  3. Place the grapes in a food processor with the sharp metal blade and run until thoroughly mashed, usually around 15 seconds.
  4. Place in a non-reactive strainer (nylon) and press with a wooden spoon until all the juice is out.
  5. For more thorough filtering you can squeeze through a muslin bag.
  6. If you want to eliminate all sediment, run through a coffee filter or a mesh strainer lined with a paper towel.
  7. Refrigerate. Use within about 5 days or freeze.
  1. Sour Grapes:

      Weight is for grapes from 3/8 to 1/2 inch diameter on the stems. These are available in grape growing regions from April to June, 2014 US $0.99 / pound. For details see our Sour Grapes page.
  2. U.S. measure: t=teaspoon, T=Tablespoon, c=cup, qt=quart, oz=ounce, #=pound, cl=clove in=inch, ar=as required tt=to taste
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