Isis suckling Horus Church of the Eternal Source

Good News:   After a period of dormancy, following the death of the last of the three founders, CES is now back with a new Web site and a new plan for practicing and teaching the Ancient Egyptian Religion (Kemetism, Egyptian Neopaganism) which should carry it farther and to more people than in previous years. Here's the new Church of the Eternal Source Web site.

I am hoping they will be able to restore some of the material from the old Web site. It included photos and information that should not be lost, especially the fabulous work done on personal temples and replica Egyptian artifacts. In particular the Temple of Horus (Harold Moss aka Paul Shoemaker) and the Temple of Thoth (Donald Harrison).

Note: is not formally associated with the Church of the Eternal Source, but is strongly supportive of its goals.

CES 170131 r 170828
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