Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 04-21-1983                       #118


Sails, Coin, & Cap

One dream partially remembered, and a couple of fragments. In the remembered dream I was planning the sails for a schooner of about 45 foot length. I was particularly considering very light weather sails and had drawn a diagram of a mainsail extended by clubs at both mast and boom. After explaining to a young lady what a club sail was, I realized this arrangement was ridiculous and unworkable. Club sails are used as topsails over a gaff mainsail, not on the mainsail itself. Then I went on to think about other sails.

There was a fragment of a dream where I was examining a coin. It was of copper but not round, rather rectangular, about 1/2 x 1 inches. It looked quite nice, but I realized it would be impractical for general circulation. In another fragment I was looking at a basket full of caps. One I liked was bright red with a wide ribbon streamer behind, which I figured would flap about satisfying when driving in an open car. The color didn't suit me though, so I started digging around for a blue one.