Andrew Grygus - Dream - 01-28-1982                       #64



This is the first of two dreams (#64,#65) and occurred between 1:00am and 2:00am, taking place in a state of consciousness that made it very difficult to bring much back. Fortunately, I was able to control my waking process very closely, and by considerable review, dragged along the general feeling and a few details. Realizing I would not remember it at all in the morning if I didn't make sure I was fully awake, I checked the time, about 2:08am, turned on the light and found a pad under the bed, and a pen. I wrote a couple of short lines and returned to sleep. The entire atmosphere of this dream was pleasant. The dream was recorded 2 days later. helped by my notes.

Begin:   All the action took place in a large, very open building, brightly lit, probably by skylights. There were other people with me, and we were rehearsing for something like a play. All of us were wearing loose white toga like garments. At one point we moved to a place where there was an audience, although I had the feeling these were people we knew rather than a commercial audience. The audience area was more like a hotel lobby than customary audience seating, but with much more furniture closer together than in a lobby. It was recessed below the area where the participants stood.

As we recited our various lines, I was aware of holding in my left hand a large lump of a powdery substance with just enough cohesion not to fall out through my fingers. I spoke briefly, then with the line, "Dust to dust, Rome, accept the passing of your time". I threw the lump out over the audience, hoping it would disintegrate properly as it flew. It did, the powder falling over the people. The audience made some crying out sounds, overturned all the furniture, and fell to the floor amidst the ruins.


The exact wording of the quote is not guaranteed, but any rewording is very slight.