Andrew Grygus - Dream - 01-08-1983                       #57


Storm Waves

This is one of quite a number of dreams featuring destructive waves, but differs in featuring a long, persistent series of storm waves rather than one huge tidal wave.

Begin:   I was walking along the shore in an area where residences had been built practically right down to the water, with only a wide concrete walk, almost street width, between the houses and the rocks and sand. The houses were older and of wooden construction, reasonably well maintained, built on a fairly steep slope. While the setting resembled parts of Manhattan Beach or Hermosa, I am fairly sure I considered this an East Coast location in the dream.

The waves were very high, sending heavy spray over me, but I could see a very much larger wave coming in, so I retreated up a side street well out of its expected range. This rogue wave crashed into the first row of houses, tearing them apart and sending spray as high up the hill as I was. Momentarily, I had the impression there might be people in the houses who were dying, but I do not recall actually seeing any people in the dream.

This large wave proved to be only the first in a long series of increasingly larger waves. The entire bay, and especially the shoreline, were now shrouded in a heavy gray wind drive spray, the water itself a dark leaden gray. From my vantage I could see the largest waves roll in across the bay from quite a distance. I continued to back off up the hill ahead of the larger ones, and finally went way up the hill just to be sure. I knew I was now much higher than my own house and wondered it it had been destroyed, but I could see total destruction only in the first few row of houses and figured mine was back far enough to have not been badly damaged yet.

Fade to awake