Andrew Grygus - Dream - 11-04-1982                       #50


The Big Worms

This dream was not quite so simple as I must record it here for there was background knowledge and some other action. Unfortunately that stuff got away and I can only write down the foreground action.

Begin:   I was lying on my back looking at my bare stomach, which had several 1/2 inch holes in it. I had the image in my mind of these being smooth, branching, but not very extensive tunnels going into my body, and of some large gray worms living there. I had just poured into this network of tunnels some chemical which I had recently obtained that was supposed to drive the worms out, and that is just what it did. Several large worms, almost identical to tomato worms in size, shape, and movement came crawling out. They were medium gray and could have been covered with a short fine fuzz. They lacked the horn and painted eyes of the tomato worm.

Very Short Lapse:   I felt sorry for the poor worms, being run out into the cold cruel world, and let three of the crawl back in. Then I thought about it a bit and decided that might not be wise. They might really be doing some damage down there, an I had the thought of them laying eggs and being infested by dozens of them. I poured more of the chemical down the holes, but the worms were more reluctant this time. One finally came out and I was confident the other two would be close behind.

Medium Fadeout to awake.

At no time in this dream was I horrified or disgusted by the worms. I did feel, however, that I would be better off without them. Their tunneling was not painful, and the walls of the tunnels seemed to be skinned over. There was no feeling of danger or of immediate death, but there was uneasiness about possible long term damage.