Andrew Grygus - Dream - 11-?-1974                       #7


Space Bat Creatures

This dream opened during a journey by space ship through a solar system, including myself and at least one other person.

We landed on a barren lunarlike world.

We found ourselves in, and explored some strange geometrical buildings. My partner accepted them at face value, but I determined they were mock-ups. Crying out, "These are old! old! old!". I tore apart fabric walls exposing ducting and structure. Dust was everywhere from my disturbing the fabric.

We were immediately descended upon by small human looking creatures and fought them off. They soon calmed us with assertions that they would not harm us. My partner relaxed and set aside the length of dowel he had used as a club. I set aside my dowel, but reclaimed it immediately, still suspicious.

I was talking to a female creature sitting next to me when a thought occurred to me. I asked her, "Do you have a real concrete form, or not? Are you really this shape?" and I tap her on the head with my dowel.

She replied, "Why of course, yes, this is what we really look like." Still, I let my imagination wander, mentally exaggerating her features. She cried out, "Don't pry!" and I realized I could pry somewhat into her mind. I did so, and, to me, her face transformed into a bat-like one with sharp teeth.

She and her friends attacked and wrested away my length of dowel, but I threw them off and backed up. I mentally modified my space suit to include a knife, which I drew, and the creatures held off for a few moments.

My partner was still dazed and of no help. To reassure myself I shouted to the creatures, who were readying a further assault, "You can kill my body, but you can not touch my immortal soul!"

There seemed to be a flash back to the moonlike surface with all the structures and critters vanished just before I woke up, but I am not sure of this.