Andrew Grygus - Dream - ?-?-1970                       #4


Into the Darkness

Some ten years or so elapsed between the time of the first dream I have set down here (Short Wave Radio) and the one presented here. None are remembered from that period. This next one gave me the inescapable impression of being important. The vividness, consistency, and type of content were entirely new to me. Just as startling was the distinct impression that the other person in this dream was real, not just a dream image of my own creation. This dream was not recorded in written form until 10-9-1978, but was still well remembered and had been reviewed many times to set the details in mind.


  I was standing facing an open field covered with short grass, like a lawn. The sky was black and darkness surrounded. To my left, the field was illuminated with a bright twilight of no obvious source. To my right was complete darkness. The field undulated like waves of the sea, frozen and grown over in grass. The waves would be coming at me from the left, had they moved. The height of the waves was about four feet, and the wavelength about 15 feet

Scattered around this field were pieces of machines, some partly buried. I wandered among them wondering how I could use them, by my attention was drawn to the dark side of the field.

I moved away from the machinery to the border of the dark, and cautiously entered it. As I moved farther into darkness I was surprised that I could sense my surroundings even though I could not see. I sensed that tall standards like modern streetlights were spaced thinly about in the dark area, providing circular patches of an invisible illumination similar to ultraviolet. The waves here were much sorter and lower than on the light side, and there were no objects littering the grass. I moved quite a ways into this area without encountering anything and finally decided to return to my starting place.

Upon my return, I found a descending stairway like a subway entrance, but very narrow. A young woman stood beside the door, and when I approached, she said to me, "That was very good. Next time we will go farther".

I descended the stairs and found myself on the sidewalk of a city street in a commercial district with department stores and such. Everything was brightly lit and the night was brilliantly clear, but it must have been very late because there was no-one in sight.