Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 12-25-2023                       #203


Pink Lady - 12-25-2023

This dream is unusual for me, because erotic content is not common in my dreams, at least in ones that I remember well enough to record.

Begin:   The scene was pretty much identical to that of my waking life. I was trying to get music from my music system to my computer to transfer it from vinyl or cassette to CD. This I had done very recently in the waking world. Things were not going well, as the dream world is pretty unstable. I was aware, as I sometimes am, that I was in a dream, and decided this project should be left for the waking world.

Scene Change:   I was approaching the front door of a woman's home. I was intending to help her transfer some music to CDs.

She opened the door. She was completely naked, but painted a bright pink from hairline to toes. On her chest, in black script, were the words Pink Lady.

She stepped back to let me in and said, "Forget the music, we have other things to do". I agreed that that was just fine with me, so we started getting to know each other. At this stage I began to have some awareness of the waking world, but do not know how much effect that may have had on events.