Andrew Grygus - Dreams                       #200


Finding the Volvo - 10-16-2023

This dream began in a familiar way. I had just exited a residential bungalow and started looking for my car. The street was on a fairly steep slope, uphill to my left. There were a few cars parked on my side of the street, facing downhill. None that I saw was mine. I walked up the hill a ways to see if it was up higher. No luck.

I was on my way back down when I looked over to my right. Down the embankment was a small unpaved parking lot, and there was my car, the Volvo I am driving in the waking world. Because of a recent rain there was an orange splotch on the top of the left fender. That orange splotch was there in the dream also, confirming my identification.

I went down to it, I had the key and it worked, the car started and it was drivable. I was driving out of the parking lot when the dream faded out.

This is so very different from how similar dreams go for me, usually involving a whole lot of frustration. That I found the car, I could get into it, it started, and drove fine is very unusual.