Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 12-24-2022                       #181


Black Cat & Possums

This dream takes place in the home of Katrelia. It was exactly like her awake world home, except the double deck possum cage was farther from the wall. I had just entered the breakfast nook / kitchen from the patio. The possum cage, containing two baby possums, was to my left. Katrelia was farther in, in the kitchen area.

Katrelia suddenly screamed, and I saw a large black cat rushing out from behind the possum cage, apparently with the intent of escaping. I stopped the cat with my foot, then picked it up, expecting it to struggle, but it did not.

You might think it very odd that someone has a cage of possums in their breakfast nook, and it most certainly is. There is another with a very large possum in it across the walkway into the kitchen.

An interesting point is that I was scheduled to visit Katrelia later in the day.