Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 12-15-2022                       #179



For background on this dream, see Obsession.

I was at home or in an office. I was waiting for a woman and planning to poke a little good natured fun for her being late.

She arrived exactly on time. She was Laurel, in appearance exactly as in the waking world and very vividly so, as was her voice. While there have been dream women very strongly suggesting her, she had never before appeared in her natural form. Also, she was cheerful and friendly. She was carrying a small salame for us to enjoy together.

At this time I started to wake up, but in the background I sensed the dream continuing as we settled down to talk.

This dream is so greatly different from others involving Laurel as to be confusing. So different I couldn't figure out why I had this dream at this time, and why it was so vivid. Was it in reaction to my actions in Obsession? Was it some attempt at reconciliation? Was it an attempt to retain power over me? Was Hekate involved here? Well, she certainly was to some extent, but just circumstances or something deeper?

I suppose I'll have to depend on Hekate to light the way through this.