Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 11-23-2020                       #159


Antique Shop

This dream opens in what seems to be an Asian antique shop. I was exploring the shop, and examining things. The shop had cluttered shelves all around, and another set of shelves forming an island in the the center.

There were two other people there, both seemed Chinese, and were apparently proprietors of the shop. One was a young man, who was working in an alcove with a computer or some such. The other was an old man, with the kind of thin white beard you see in old photos of Chinese.

Near where the young man was working, was a clockwork device of sorts. It was about 4 inches tall and about 3 inches on each side. It had an open frame and was filled with complex mechanical clockwork.

At one point, the younger man wanted to refer to the clockwork thing, and found it missing. He announced that it was missing and started looking for it. I, at this point started looking for my leather portfolio, and was asking if anyone had seen it.

I finally found the portfolio, sitting on a low upholstered bench near the island. It was similar to one I have in the waking world, but with a large zippered pouch on one side. I opened the pouch and showed the clock was in it, along with other items which may have been art objects.

The old man looked at the pouch contents and said, "Some of those things are ours". I replied that they were all theirs.

He said, accusingly, "You were taking them". I said, "No, they were things I gathered because I wanted to study them in more detail.

The clockwork thing disappeared with a popping sound. One by one, the other objects started to disappear, each making a popping sound. I explained, "I could not be taking them. I am from another world, and am not able to take back anything I didn't bring here. I am about to go back, so they are all returning to where I found them."

At this point I faded out from the dream to my waking world, but lingered long enough in between to let the dream set in my memory.

It slipped my mind during the day, but in the afternoon, while I was resting, it reappeared, and was still in sufficiently vivid detail to write down.