Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 10-11-2020                       #156


The Teacher   |   Lady with Authority

I consider this a very important dream. I have always wondered about the people I meet in dreams. Do they actually have some sort of existence independent of me? So many seem so real, well defined, with their own attitudes and objectives, and are unrelated to anyone I am acquainted with in waking life.

These sequences, especially the second, certainly does nothing to dispell that feeling, but reinforced it.

It was morning and I was somewhat awake and waiting for the first light of dawn. For me, this usually signals going back to sleep, and often this sleep is intensive dream time. Of these two sequences, I am not sure if The Teacher was before first light or after, but Lady of Wisdom was definitely after.

The Teacher

The scene is not clear in my memory, but there were two women present, aged in their 40s. One I do not remember at all distinctly. The other was a teacher, and I rather liked her, but we both knew she was a temp here and we would never see each other again. We very lightly embraced, and very lightly kissed. Then this sequence faded away.

Lady with Authority

My memory of this sequence starts inside a somewhat labarynthine building, but not nearly as large and complex as those in many of my dreams, and with fewer people. There was a lady with me, aged about 55 I think, and, as usual, I was looking for an exit from the building.

We were not finding an exit. I stopped and asked a small group of people where we could find an exit from the building. One of them said there was one in the kitchen.

We had been in the kitchen and not seen a door, but we went back, and there found the door, very inconspicuous and painted the same color as the walls. It had a spherical metal door knob.

I turned the knob and the door opened inward. I stepped through, and it did look like it was the outside, though illuminated by rather dim dream light. There seemed to be a high gray wall to my left.

I stepped back in to encourage the lady who was with me to follow me out, but found she was slumped into a chair next to the door to my right. She seemed unconscious and did not respond. I thought of lifting her up and carrying her out, but it didn't seem to me that would work, and what would happen after going out? I did not know.

Now another woman had entered the scene and stood a few yards in front of me. She appeared to be in her 40s, fairly tall, attractive, with naturally wavy hair framing her face. She wore a blouse and dark pants. This woman said to me, "She is staying".

I asked her, "What have you done to her?" The woman just smiled gently and said nothing, looking a bit towards her right. I again turned to my companion in the chair, again tried to rouse her without success, again thought of trying to carry her out, and again abandoned that thought.

I turned to the woman standing there, and again asked, "What have you done to her?".

She replied quietly, "She is staying. This is where she belongs. You are from another world". She was a few moments in silent contemplation, then added, with a tone more of encouragement than command, "Go back now".

I took a couple of steps backward until well outside the door. Then the scene started to fade and disintegrate. I slowly returned, through a lot of turbulence, to my waking world.

This woman had poise, great presence, and power. She knew what was happening and what to do about it. I find it very difficult to believe she ceased to exist when I left the dream.


This woman has had a very strong impact on me, much like an encounter with a goddess. Is she a goddess? I don't know what she is. I don't know what a goddess is - nobody does. Was she also "from another world" in this dream? I think she was.

Now, many days later, I still think of her every time I lie down to rest. She has not faded away. My feeling about sleep has changed some, to something darker, heavier, mores serious and more complex.