Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 04-15-2020                       #148



This night had a large number of tiny fragments, most of which were not remembered.

In one fragment, I was trying to get something from the refrigerator, and an carton fell out and hit the floor with one end. I knew it had few eggs in it (one actual carton in my waking fridge had 3 eggs in it), but it didn't seem to be leaking, so perhaps the thick pulp paper carton had protected the eggs. I checked again and still saw no leakage, but thought, "This is a dream, so it doesn't really matter".

In another fragment I was talking to a Jewish guy, possibly a rabbi, I do not know. He was telling me all would be well, everything would be brought back to how it was. I then told him, "I'm not Jewish". He responded, "Then I can do nothing for you - go away".