Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 01-11-2020                       #146


Patty Hurst

This dream included a number of objects. These objects could all vary in size radically, from full size to small enough to put in a plastic bag. I had had a good night's sleep and it was already getting light when this dream occurred.

Patty Hurst:   From where in the sub-basements of my memory she came from I have no clue. I paid almost no attention to her kidnapping and joining the SLA movement when it was all happening. I knew who she was but had trouble remembering her name at first, but it came to me before the end of the dream.

Symbionese Liberation Army:   This was represented by a crudely painted board, about 3 x 3 feet with a multi-headed snake painted on it. It was not their official logo, but might have been an early representation. The board was painted a greenish color, and battered at the edges. Most of the snake was off the bottom, but there was a sort of cobra hood near the bottom, with a number of necks and snake heads emanating from it, probably 7, but at least 6. The snake was painted in dark gray with some more or less realistic scaly detail. I had paid about zero attention to the SLA when they were in operation, but, should I have ever remembered them, I might have remembered their logo was a multi-headed snake.

A-Frame House:   this was a very small house even when at full size. At one end it had a front door and a window up near the peak. It was painted colors, I think red for the lower floor and white for the upper. How it related to the other objects I do not know.

A Squat Can:   I don't know what this can contained as it was never out of the bag. It was a bit larger in diameter and quite a bit taller than a tuna can. It never changed size. It could be clearly felt in the bottom of the bag.

A Plastic Bag:   This was made of thick black plastic, and was partially filled with some liquid.

All of the objects could shrink down and be placed together in the bag, which could then me massaged to re-order its contents, then the objects could be retrieved and expand to full size. This cycle was performed at least twice.

What this was all about, I haven't a clue.

Cal Tech

After I rehearsed the above dream several times to set it in memory, I fell asleep again, and experienced this dream, which was more like the frustration dreams I so often have.

The dream opens in a very large, labyrinthine building that was a Cal Tech facility. Apparently I had a security badge, because nobody questioned my right to be wandering around in the building. As usual, the building reconfigured itself continuously.

In my wanderings there were many interesting things to see, but I do not remember them well enough to know their purpose, and likely didn't know their purpose during the dream.

I had picked up three objects. Two of them were fairly large ash trays of artistic design, one with an animal design. The third object was also flat, but I don't recall what it was - it was not an ash tray. I had stolen these objects from somewhere in the building.

I was now trying to leave the building and find my car. I believe it was the white XK150 Jaguar. The lot where I thought I'd parked it was now an open area, raised a bit higher than the level of the building, and had lots of weeds and small shrubs. This was similar to weedy areas that have appeared in other dreams.

I returned to the building to find another exit, where the car might be, but also wanted to stash the things I was carrying for retrieval later - but how would I find them? I finally located a shipping dock with access to the outside, so I presumed I could re-enter the building there and retrieve the objects.

In this room was a wooden desk, and I figured there might be room for my objects in the right hand bottom drawer. The drawer was empty, so I placed them there. At this point a young man approached the desk, apparently to use it. I explained that I was just stashing those objects temporarily and would be back for them right away. I closed the drawer and he expressed no objection.

I was now outside, There were three other men with me. There were various discarded technical objects and I stopped to pick some up and examine them. I could not tell what their purpose was. As I looked at one, one man asked, "Andy, is that something that was yours?", I replied "No", but then realized he was talking to one of the other men, who also answered "No".

Fade-out at this point.