Andrew Grygus - Dreams - 01-02-2020                       #145



This dream opens in a "gentrified" district where I had entered a small art gallery. It was elevated above the sidewalk and accessed by steps. All persons involved here, including myself, appeared to be in their 30s (low to high).

There were quite a few people in the gallery, and all were male. One seemed to be patterned after Paul Shoemaker / Harold Moss. Most or all were gay. Another man entered and I introduced myself. We shook hands, but during the shake he made some unusual finger movements, and after our hands parted he made some other hand gesture. Since I did not respond to any of this, he correctly decided I was not gay. Actually, I had no idea how one would respond to those gestures if one were gay.

I left the gallery and moved to a crowded patio, also somewhat elevated above the sidewalk and street. There was a guy to my right announcing to people in the patio and on the walk below, that there were journalists there to write an article about this community. He thanked them for their attention, etc. I turned to him and said, "Your are so Chamber of Commerce". He smiled and didn't seem offended.

Meanwhile, I was getting a bit cuddly with a somewhat "overweight" (but not too much) lady to my left, wearing a red and orange dress. She seemed not to mind at all getting a bit cuddley, but I woke from the dream at this point.

In waking life I do prefer cuddling with women who are a little "overweight", but not too much. This lady was near the high side of my range of preference, but still OK.