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Apples -
[Malus domestica]
The cultivated apple originated in Central Asia, around Kazakhstan, where it's wild ancestor (Malus sylvestris) can still be found today. China grows 35% of world production and the US, where apples were introduced by European colonists, is second with 7.5% There are over 7500 known varieties of apple, the ones listed here are ones commonly available in Southern California. Nearly all are grown in the Pacific Northwest, particularly Washington state, where the weather gets cold enough to set fruit properly.
Crab Apples
Crabapples are much smaller than regular apples and may have long stems (as in the photo) or short stems. Most ripen red but some golden versions have been developed. Considering Omaha as the location, the photo specimens are probably M. ioensis, the most common variety of crabapple in North America. Most crabapples are less than 1 inch diameter, ascidic and astringent -
too much so for general eating but they are made into jams and jellies.
Crabapples are widely planted as landscaping decoratives for showy flowers
in the spring and autumn color.
Photo of ripe crabapples in the Lauritzen Botanical Gardens,
Omaha by John Severns distributed under license
Creative Commons
Attribution 2.5 Generic.
Health and NutritionApples contain less vitamin C, antioxidants and fiber than many other fruits but are still a significant source, particularly since it's easy to eat a bunch of them. They are, therefore, considered to help avoid certain cancers. Apple juice concentrate is being investigated as possible aid to maintaining cognitive performance during aging. Apple seed contain some cyanide compounds but not enough to be considered dangerous to humans. Links |
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